Intermission/The son of winter

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 Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true

I wake up.

All I see is white. Everything is so bright, it hurts my eyes.

A figure is whispering to himself, he looks at me.

Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true Your dream can't come true

He's saying those words to himself.

But his dream came true.

He won't stop saying it.

He left my mind a while ago. This is only the echo of his soul.

He left me with this message.

Was it a warning?

I reach to touch his shoulder and


He had no emotion and spoke a single time before his body shattered like glass. My body is stabbed and cut all over. Shards dig into my flesh and tear apart my soul painting the white world red.

I can't breath

Go back

I can't breath

Go back

His name was...


All of a sudden Izuku's body came back to life. Gasping for air like a fish desperate for water. He felt the air in his mouth fill with moisture as his breathing resumed. His voice felt rough like he hadn't spoken in years. His face was covered in tears but not all of them were his own. His eyes opened to see the shitty ceiling he spent so many days under. He noticed the holes and the way the moonlight shined on her face above him. He lay on what felt like God's pillow as he looked up at the crying girl above him. He realized he was laying on her thighs and felt a blush come on his own face. The lighting shifted as he saw her face, entirely red and crying all over him. He wondered for a second if her tears brought him back to life.

It took a few more seconds to remember that he was a mage and that this wasn't how magic worked.

"Your dress looks nice," He croaked out. It sounded like he had the voice of a deadman. It didn't feel like his own. His entire body felt alien to himself. But for some reason that wasn't what he was thinking about. His mind was stuck on her soft dark green material of the dress that was cradling his head and he wondered if she had meant for it to match his hair.

"Izuku you're making no sense. There is no astral plane and it wouldn't look completely white if it did exist. I highly doubt your crest has the ability to create a goddamn reality marble," Shindo was having none of this. He knew how magecraft worked and for some godforsaken reason, everything he saw two weeks ago broke those rules.

"I'm just telling you everything I remember, you're the one who asked so give me a break. I'm gonna be late if we keep going in circles," he groaned out as Shindo inspected his notes about the event and Izuku's statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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