One Direction and Wyoming

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Liam´s POV:

“ Are they ever going to stop screaming?” Louis muttered as he was peaking out behind the curtain in managements office. The street were full of fans, all waiting for us to get into the limo that was parked outside and drive to the concert.

“ Probably” Harry replied. “ One of those days when they get sick of us”.

“ Well we don´t want that to happen” a mans voice said and we all turned around. “ Boys, sit down please” he said and made a gesture towards the chairs around the big conference table.

We all sat down on the same side and I got Zayn on my left and Niall on my right.

“ So” he started and starred at us all one by one. We did´t know why we had been called in and I could´t help but to feel nervous. “ Here at management we have all seen how hard you have been working lately so we have decided to treat you with a little vacation” I could feel how my jaw dropped open a bit so I hurried to close it. This was a new one and I did´t expect it.

“ Where to?” I asked, still a bit chocked.

“ We found a little horse ranch up in Wyoming that we thought would be perfect for you” he smiled. “ They haven´t had guests in three weeks and next week there are none other bookings then yours so it will be a little break from all the screaming as well”. He looked very happy with himself and I wondered why he thought that it was good that we were the only ones there. One Direction on horse ranch would give a very good down to earth story so why did´t he want anyone to know about it?

But I did´t ask, which I would come to regret later.

We got up and on our way out the door he said,

“ And boys, please don´t burn the ranch down and try to keep a low profile”. I gave him a assuring nod but I could see how Harry and Louis smirked at each other. A low profile wasn´t really their strong side.

We took the elevator down so that we could get in the car and leave for the concert. Walking outside the door was like walking right into a screaming and crying wall. The girls were pushing their way through, trying to get past security and up to us. I could see how one girl almost got crushed at the riot fence and how Niall was looking desperate at her. He had stopped and I could see how he wanted to help her but we were pushed and hurried into the limo. Both him and I plastered our faces to one of the car windows, trying to see if she was okay and luckily one of the other girls had gotten people to back of. It made me smile. How crazy our fans even were sometimes, they looked after each other and I had once read that they said that “Directioner” means “Sister”, which I thought was really cute.

Olivia´s POV:

I opened the mailbox, worried about what it contained. Another reminder letter from the bank was the first thing that cough my eye and I sighed. Things were´t going well for the ranch right now and I knew that if it kept up we would have to move. I walked inside, looking for my mother so that I could give her the mail. I found her in the office, talking to someone on the phone. That is quite an unusual sight sens my mother hated phones. She that the cowboys from the old wild west survived without them so why should we need them? But a phone we needed so that people could book vacations with us. But she had put her foot down when I wanted internet and a cellphone of my own. Over her dead body had she said when I begged, not willing to give up. So here I am, a eighteen year old girl in the middle of nowhere without any idea what´s going on out in the big world. Unless it´s on the local radio station but I doubt that they have anything important to say.

My mum signed for me to steep in as she hung up the phone. She was smiling, which was quite unusual as well. Weird day today.

“ This came in the mail” I said and threw down the letters on her desk. The one from the bank was on top and mum could see how I looked at her with worry in my eyes.

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