The library

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Finally the last bell rang meaning that school was over. It was only the first day of school and I already want out. I walked slowly to the school library. One of the only places here that I feel safe. I sat down at the first empty table I saw. Placing my bag down, looking at my surroundings. There was a couple sitting on a couch cuddling in the lounge area, kissing and whispering sweet nothings into each others ears. The girlfriend looked up from her boyfriend to me. I looked away as fast as I could, not wanting to make eye contact with her. But I could feel her eyes glaring daggers. I opened my back pack in a rush and pulled out my art home work ignoring her stares. After a minute I felt the stare no longer exist. I sighed happily. What the heck its the first day of school and we got home work. Luckily it was on telling the class who we are or what we want them to think. First question,

1. Where are we from? Los Angeles California

2. Date of birth? August 31 1999

3. Age? 15

4. Height? 5'2'

5. What do you think is your best feature? I have to get back too that one I don't think I have one.

6. What is your least favorite feature? Oh let me break out the list. How about my whole body. I'm too fat, too ugly too me for there to be something beautiful about me.

There was a rather loud clearing of someone's throat. I looked up it was the couple. The guy spoke first.

" What are you working on?" His smile warm and friendly. My cheeks heartened. The girl rolled her eyes. His jet black hair styled in a quaff. His eyes asking for an answer I snapped back to reality. His girlfriend gave me the disapproving look. I quickly looked at my homework.

"Art with Mr. Manson. For first period" I looked up at them only to see a cold glare from her. quickly hid behind my work.

" Ok cool I have him in that class I guess I zoned out I didn't see you I am sorry." His smile was sincere. I waved it off and smiled at him.

" Oh Hun lets go we have to for our um.... biology test?" She said it more of a question. Gosh she didn't have to lie she could of just said she didn't want to be next to me. They started to walk away.

"Ok bye" he waved, I retuned it.

"Bye." I sighed well then might as well go home. I packed up my things. Distractions. I looked at the time 4:01 and walked out of the Library.

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