Chapter 17

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My alarm goes. I get up and go to the bathroom. Since I took a shower last night. I just brushed my teeth and washed my face. After I decide what to wear. I'm wearing a black cardigan, a white shirt with some weird-cool signs and some high waisted shorts (she's wearing the outfit in the picture) I straighten my hair and add some mascara. I put on some white high top converse. I really don't want to go to school but I just want to see blake. I grab my penny board and start to penny board to school. I get there and start to put stuff in my locker. I grab my book and start to walk to my first hour. I get in the class and see Blake and I go sit right next to him.

"Hey" he says

"Hii" I say

"Does your head hurt?" He alder because of the concussion.

"No I'm feeling great" I say with a smile

"That's good!" He says. Right when our convo ended, the bell rang. My teacher starts talking and talking about exams that are coming up In a few weeks (my exams start tomorrow😭) me and Blake start talking more

"Wanna come over my house after school?" Blake whispers/ asks

"Yeah I'll come" I say

"Meet me in front of the school, so we can penny board there together" Blake says

"Ok, sound good" I say. Ok I think I'm starting to like Blake. The only reason we broke up was because we just kept fighting. It was just not a good relationship. But Blake got nicer but more wild. But I'm not complaining about Him being wild.


The bell just rang for 1st hour. I walk out and go to my locker. I put my books for my 1st hour and grab the books I need for my 2nd hour. Then I start hearing "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" I shut my locker and go check out what's going on. I get to the scene but it's very crowed. There was like 100-20o people there. We have a big school (they have about 700 students) I push people out of the way and I get to yeah front and I couldn't believe my eyes. It's was hayes and his friends. (The ones that tried raping me) I look closer and then BAM! Hayes punches one of the guys in the face. Then after the he punches hayes back. No! My baby is getting hurt. Wait what? Hayes is not my baby anymore. Jessica don't fall for him again. You can't. They start punching and kicking eachother. But then Hayes' nose start bleeding.

"STOP MESSING WITH JESSICA" Hayes yells at the boy and punches him as hard as he can in the face. The his nose starts bleeding. Okay this is getting out of hand. I step in the middle of them.

"STOP FIGHTING" I yell then our Principal and our vice principal.

"OFFICE NOW! All three of you" our principal said. Well yells. We all walk to the office and there is blood everywhere. I grab some napkin on the way to help hayes. I'm still really pissed at hayes for cheating. But he just started a fight and it's because of me and I really feel bad for hayes. I don't give a flying fuck about the other dude.

" jessica it's okay, you don't need to help me" Hayes says

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm helping you whether you like it or not" I say. Hayes just stops talking. We get to the office and go sit down.

"I'm very disappointed in you guys" the principal said.

"Sorry" Hayes says quietly

"What was the fight even about? Anyways" the principal said.

(Justin is the guy hayes fought)

"Well it's because of Justin and some other guys trying to sexually harass jessica" Hayes says. Justin just stares at the ground

"Is that true?" the principal said.

"No" Justin says

"DONT LIE TO ME" the principal said.

"Okay yes, hayes is telling the truth" Justin says

"Well Justin, you know that's against the law right?" the principal said.

"Yeah..." Justin says quietly

"You what this means right?" the principal said.

"Well it's not like it's only me. There were 3 other guys" Justin says

" and who were they?" the principal said.

(Alex, Tyler and Angelo are the names of the other boys that tried to rape her)

"Angelo, Tyler and Alex tried to do things with her too" Justin says

Our principal's face gets red. He's very mad.

"ANGELO, TYLER AND ALEX TO MY OFFICE NOW" my principal says. After a couple of minutes. The boys come into the office. I roll my eyes at them and give them a dirty look.

"Jessica and hayes, may you guys please leave?" Our principal says. We nod and then leave. We go into the bathroom. And I start to help hayes clean up the bloody mess on his face. I grab some paper towel and get close to him so I can help him. I dap on his nose.

"Oww" Hayes says

"Sorry" I say. Right now we're very close to eachother. I can smell is minty breath. Then all of a sudden, hayes kisses me. It was a short little kiss.

"Oh um sorry about that" Hayes says quietly then starts blushing. I start to smile. Jessica snap out of it. You can't have feelings for him. Ugh but hayes is so hot. I sucked it up and started to Clean him up. It was kind of awkward after the kiss. But I stilled helped him.

After a few minutes, I finish helping him then we both wash our hands and walk to our 2nd hour together.

The bad couple (Hayes Grier,dirty)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora