Chapter 3 - Boredom

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I was sitting silently in thought as the sun rose in the sky. What I need is to find a way to cause immunity to myself from all the of those annoying vampiric defenses. Maybe the main issue I have with that is that I can't properly protect the little woman if I'm going to have such obvious weaknesses.

The founders party that Caroline and I skipped was last night. Letting out a sigh I try to figure out my next move. I don't feel like being dosed with vervain or being starved in a cell somewhere. I need to find Shiela and chances are she's gonna be hellbent on NOT helping me.

After starting the car I drive back into town I begin looking for Shiela Bennett's house. When I arrived the kitchen light was on. Going to the door I knock on it and then wait. She opens the door just slightly and looks at me.

"I'm not letting you in." Shiela says sternly, she looks ready to attack.

I snort and hold up my hands in surrender. "I wouldn't expect you to Shiela. I just happen to find myself in a predicament and I may require your help. Otherwise I'm gonna have to wing it and normally when I do that something .. lets just say interesting things happen yeah?"

She raises an eyebrow at me and looks me over again curiously. "I won't open the tomb for you."

"I wouldn't want you to." I reply back honestly. "Besides, Kit Kat isn't in there anyway and I don't even remember her. At least not in the sense of actually knowing her. More like the.. she was some kind of vague memory and I know her because — well yeah, that's about it really."

The older Bennett looks at me in disbelief and rubs her temples before letting out a small sigh. "You do realize that I don't believe you, correct."

"Yup." I answer with a shrug as I lean against the door frame. "It makes sense. I wouldn't believe me either and everything. It's just, if you can't help me then I'm gonna have to do some guessing and I ain't a witch. But, that's cool and everything. I'll just wing it."

"You're not making any sense." The old woman adds as I move away from the door causing me to stop for a second and turn towards her again.

Looking at her for a moment I turn back around and shrug my shoulders as I walk down her porch steps. "Yup, Stefan's gonna hate it. But, I make it a habit to fail specific expectations that I don't enjoy meeting."

Like being an egotistical jackass, among other things. Besides, if I'm stuck like this then that means I need to subtlety change or something. A full 180 would probably make Stefan act like I was planning to blow up the town. Which in the grand scheme of things wouldn't be unexpected since if he remembers correctly it kind of does go boom.

"Like what?" He hears Shiela yell back at him as he stops beside his car.

Looking at her I raise an eyebrow and say blandly. "Like continuing to act like someone I'm not. I don't strive to meet those expectations. Unless I'm acting of course."

I could feel her eyes on me as I drive away. This means that I need to build a natural resistance to vervain. The other things will have to come later. Sneaking into the boarding house wasn't exactly difficult since Zach appeared to be elsewhere and Stefan was who knows where. Probably with the Doppelgänger or at school if he did need to guess. 

Getting into the basement filled with the cells I look around for the vervain. Bracing myself after entering I begin to gather some, doing my best to ignore the burning pain in my fingers. I know that by technical means they can get somewhat immunity by using the liquid stuff.

The thing is, I want actual immunity. True immortality would be useful. But, one of the biggest issues with that is lack of a witch that I could trust. That's assuming I don't just say fuck it and leave them to deal with this shit by themselves.

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