Freshman Year: First Day- Melissa

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Each story is gonna be told from a different person's POV. This is gonna be told from Melissa's POV. 

Warning! Deals with bullying, insecurities, catcalling, and pressure (hint:the picture by KisterAsch)


My heart was beating out of my chest. First day of high school! You think I would be happy, but a high part of myself esteem was in my grade point average, and everyone knows that high school is hard.

I was a little happy because I would get to see the best friends in the world. I've been best friends with Milo since I was in first grade, and I've been best friends with Zack Underwood since 7th grade. This calmed me down a lot because I knew my best friends would be by my side. 

Also, what made high school hard? Grades! I had this in the bag. All I had to do was take a deep breath and step into these doors. 

Breathe in... Breathe out.. and OPEN!


I opened the door and felt a rush of people. It felt like I was going to be in school with a bunch of adults. 

I felt scared and nervous until I saw my best friends suffering from the same problem sitting on the floor in a corner. I walked over with a fake smile (they weren't the only ones nervous).

"What're you guys doing on the floor?" I said, helping them get up.

"Long story... W-We..uhh.." Zack stuttered, looking at my dress and blushing.

All I could do was smile and snap him back onto Earth. "Hey! Zack!"

"Oh yeah!" Zack said, smiling at me, " It was just a long story."

"Yep!" Milo said with a smile, but it looked like he was faking it. I ignored this and walked off to my homeroom.

It took me a while to get to class, passing through tall seniors and scary teachers. Once I got to homeroom, the only person I recognized was Amanda Lopez. She smiled at me, and I smiled back. Then, we sat next to each other.

Two minutes later, I heard whispers and giggles. I even heard a whistle come from the back of the room. I slowly turned around and saw a guy and a couple of girls looking and talking about me in the back of the room. I was about to say something when Amanda turned me around.

"Hey, It's alright. Let's just listen to the teacher." Amanda said with a small smile and comforting hand. I smiled back and nodded.

Since it was the first day of school, we stayed in homeroom all day. This continued throughout the class. Once class was over, the boy came up to me and said," Hey, Freckles. I'm Brady, what's your name?"

Something was off about him. He was laughing, talking, whistling, and making moves at me all day, but I just replied because he was a sophomore. " My name is Melissa Chase."

"Cute." He said before he was interrupted by the girl laughing at me. 

"Cute?! What's cute about her those ugly freckles or her fat stomach?! Hi, I'm Laurie, a sophomore, and you are, obviously, a freshman." Laurie cackled as she, her minions, and Brady walked out the room.

Zack and Milo tried to catch up with me after school in the courtyard.

"Hey! Melissa!" Zack shouted as ran after me.

" Leave me alone!" I screamed and cried as I ran home.


My Dad tried to talk to me as I busted in the door. He handed me a "Welcome Back! How was school?" cookie. I took the cookie and ran upstairs.

I looked into my bathroom mirror and cried. I had gotten freckles on my face. My Dad said this happened to my mom when she was in high school, so it might happen to me. I didn't like this at all. 

"Stop doubting yourself, Melissa. You're beautiful." I said in the mirror with a tear dripping down my face.

I slowly turned to look at my stomach. I had gained a couple of pounds. I looked at the cookie in my hand and threw it away. I backed against the wall, huddled into a ball, and cried the night away.

I was feeling better until I realized I would have to do the same thing tomorrow, but with all my classes. I threw up at this thought (a little happy knowing that would help me lose some pounds). Then, went back into my ball and fell asleep with tears dripping onto the floor


Note to Reader: I do not hate freckles I would kill to have freckles, but most people insecurities make them very beautiful. Just be who you are!

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