Freshman Year: First Day - Milo

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I was so excited. I could barely stop jumping up and down, but Zack's hand steadied me. We both looked at each other, nodded, and slowly opened the huge doors.

As soon as, we got inside. We were pushed, hit, and kicked. Soon, we ended up in the corner. We just sat there and shook. After, a few minutes, Melissa headed over to us. She was smiling which was normal for her and me, so I feigned a smile.

"What're you two doing on the ground?" Melissa smirked.

I stopped paying attention after that because I noticed people were staring at me. Some were running away. Some were giggling. Some were screaming in fear. Some were pointing at their phones then at me.

I was going to run, but Zack's voice brought me back into the conversation.

"Oh! Yeah!" Zack said with a huge smile, " It was just a long story."

Melissa looked at me waiting for me to tell her the story, but I didn't even know what we were talking about. Also, I was a little hurt, but I just faked another smile and said, "Yep!"

Melissa caught me faking it, so she helped me walk to the water fountain and homeroom. 

"Hey, Milo..." Melissa said as I drunk the water. The screw popped lose, and I screwed it back in which caused blank stares and points. Melissa noticed the people. "Is it because those juniors and seniors are making fun of you? I can-"

"No! Melissa! Don't!" I yelled with a stern and angry voice.

"UH.. OK?" Melissa said, walking off to homeroom which was all the way upstairs.

I felt terrible, but not as bad as I was already feeling. I walked to homeroom with my head down. I caught a glimpse of Zack getting bullied out of the corner of my eye. I was hallucinating now! I needed to get out of here as fast as possible.

Once I arrived in homeroom I heard people say, " Oh no!" "Not the hazard." "Hey! Hazard wrong room."

I couldn't take it anymore! I ran out the class with tears filling my eyes. I knew it was true. I was a danger, a hazard, a menace. Bradley and Elliot were right all along. This world would be better without me.

As I was running away, the floor collapsed, and I fell underground. I just sat there with my head down.

After school, I was waiting for Melissa or Zack to come rescue me, but the principal came instead.

Once she helped me out, I went to find Melissa or Zack, I saw Melissa first, so I walked over to her, but she shouted, "Leave me alone!" It really hurt, so I ran in the other direction, home.

I got home and my sister was packing up. I stood in her door until she noticed me and smiled. We looked at each other for awhile, I smiled and walked to my room. My Dad was sitting there.m

"I'm not going to ask, how was your day?." Martin, my father, whispered with a smile slash frown. "I already knew it was bad. Every male Murphy goes through this feeling."

" Yeah right! At least you had mom and your friends with you!"

" You have the two best friends in the world..maybe even better than mom." My Dad said putting his hand over the last part.

" Hey! I heard that!" My mother, Bridgette, called from downstairs as she was sitting on the couch moping.

"I thought I did, but neither of them came to help me when I fell through the floor or when I was crying after school." I said, sitting on the floor next to my Dad.

"I'm pretty sure they had a very rough first day too." My Dad said, looking out the window.

"Hey, Dad. Is everything alright? Why is mom sad, and why is Sarah packing?" I said, looking right into his sad eyes.

"College." He said as he walked out the room. He, then, looked back at me and with a tear dripping down his face, he whispered," Enjoy it now, son."

I looked up at him as he walked out and smiled. "Enjoy it now! Sure... enjoy it now.." I barely made it through the last part without bursting into tears. After I finished crying, I sang softly.

" Just roll with it.."


" Sometimes you feel like their is no solution.." Zack said as he lay on his bed going to sleep.


" You wish you had a stronger constitution" Melissa said still crying on her bathroom floor.

This school year was  going to be tough, but they were just gonna have to roll with it.

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