Freshman Year: First Day- Zack

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This story is told from Zack's POV. (hint:the title)


Today was the day! First day of high school. I even wrote a song!

Today is the day! I learn the ways. Of high school. I'm gonna be cool

My knees were trembling as Milo and I tried to push past the bigger kids. Eventually, the bigger kids ran us over and we were pushed into a corner.

We were being stepped on and kicked, but we knew it wasn't on purpose. I already knew that just like everyday, we were going to barely make it to homeroom on time, but instead of it being Murphy's Law, it was going to be Freshman's Law.

We sat there in the corner, shaking from the pain we felt, until this beautiful girl walked towards us. I couldn't tell who it was, but she had ginger, curly hair and beautiful freckles. She was wearing this red dress that made my face as red as what she was wearing. I couldn't help but smile.

As she came closer, I realized who she was. Melissa Chase. I couldn't believe it was her. She was beautiful. She reached out her hands to Milo and me and helped us up.

"What're you two doing on the ground?" She said with her soft, pink lips.

"Long story... W- We..uhhh." I stuttered, staring directly at her dress and blushing like crazy.

Until her beautiful, sultry voice interrupted my staring. 

"Oh Yeah!" I said as I put on a fake smile. " It was just a long story."

"Yep!" Milo said, but I wasn't really paying attention because there was a boy staring at me with angered eyes on the other side of the lobby.

I tried to ignore him, but after Melissa and Milo left to go to the water fountain and homeroom, he walked over to me.

"Yo! I'm Brady!" the boy said with a loud, angry tone.

" Yo! I'm Zack!" I said in a sarcastic voice.

"OK, funny boy. " Brady, or whoever he was, chuckled. " I saw the way that girl looked at you."

" Ooohhh.. That "girl". Which one? Your girlfriend or your mother?" I said, mocking him. I thought he wouldn't touch me with all the people around us, but he grabbed me by my shirt. 

"OK, look we both know that the girl is beautiful. What's her name? How old is she? What does she like to do? Are you her boyfriend?" He asked the last three questions, then looked at me waiting for answers.

I did not want to answer these creepy questions this boy was asking. He looked like he would touch her or make her do something she didn't want to do, and I was not gonna let that happen to Melissa. So I answered his questions, partially.

" Well, her name is Zack Underwood. She is 14. She likes to write music and dance. She is not my boyfriend." I said, staring him straight in the eyes with a smile.

" Oh, she likes to write music, huh? Well, let me tell her one thing. I can already tell by that stupid hair and clothes that she will never make it anywhere in the music business." He said as he dropped me and my backpack on the ground.

I went to homeroom. Throughout the half of the day, I heard people call Milo a hazard, danger, and a menace until he left the classroom.

I was about to go after him until Bradley said to me, " They're just telling the truth!" 

" The truth?! Milo isn't any of those things." I retorted.

" Yeah. Just like you aren't anything special with your music." Bradley smirked.

" Were you listening to Brady?" 

" Yeah and what he said is true. You'll never amount to anything." Bradley said.

A tear started to drip down my cheek and a boy in the back of the class screamed. "Real men don't cry!"  Which produced a whole lot of giggles and laughs.

I kept in my tears inside until after school when I just wanted to cry my problems to Melissa. I knew she would listen. I saw her running in the courtyard. I tried to catch up to her, but she screamed at me to leave her alone.

I was worried that Brady told her not to talk to me anymore. I choked back tears as I looked for my other best friend, Milo. He was nowhere to be found, so I walked home slowly.

As I was walking, I started singing the song I wrote, but a little different.

Today is the day. I'll learn the ways. Of high school. I'll never be cool.

Once I arrived at home, I walked past my parents without saying a word. Who'd knew High School would be so hard. 

I picked up my guitar and became to play until Brady's words came into my mind. I set my guitar down and cried."Real men don't cry" I said as I lay down in my bed and let my tears fall.


Sorry that these are so sad, but here are my encouraging words. Words may hurt and knock me down, but I'll get right off the ground. Stay Safe and Sweet.

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