Misson Part 1

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When Jett woke up, Cypher was gone and there was a steaming cup of coffee on the kitchen table. On it, there was a sticky note saying that he was in the workshop and to definitely not come in this time. Jett drank the coffee and stuck the sticky note on her arm so she wouldn't forget. Soon after, she went to the range to go practice with her new knives. She moved the target to 50m out and threw a knife out, hitting dead in the middle. 3 seconds later, the knife flew back towards her and floated around her. She quickly realized that she could levitate the knives around her and use the wind to propel them. Soon enough, she had mastered propelling her knives with the wind. Suddenly, someone grabbed her should and she whirled around and whipped her knives out. 

"I see that you have been practising with your knives, Wind Girl. How have they been treating you?" Cypher asked as he peered at the floating knives. Jett let them all drop as she saw it was Cypher. 

"Really good! I was able to make them float around me, and since they come back to me I don't have to move the target back. This is like the best gift ever!" Jett was practically gushing at this point. To stop her, Cypher pointed out the sticky note on her arm.

"Why is my sticky note on your arm Wind Girl?" Jett paused and looked down at it as if she had forgotten it was there. 

"So I could remember not to bother you again." Cypher was quiet for a few moments before saying,

"We have a mission today. Just the 2 of us. We will be scouting out Bind for radianite shipments." When Cypher said Bind, it looked as if he had nails being dragged across his tongue. Out of nowhere, Jett asked

"What do you look like under the mask Cypher? What do you hide from the rest of the world?" Cypher just said, 

"My identity."

A few hours later, when Jett and Cypher were about to board the ship that would take them to Morrocco, Jett asked a question that rattled Cypher to the bones. 

"So Cypher, have you ever been in a relationship?" The minute the words left her mouth, Jett knew she had made a mistake. Cypher stiffened up immediately and practically snapped his neck looking at her. 

"Just because we share the same room does not mean I will indulge personal facts with you. I will not let you live out your fantasy of being the one to find out who I really am what I am about. Our relationship is strictly professional. Do not bother me with these questions again or  I promise you, Hawk, you will regret it." Cypher then turned away from her and took his camera out and started to fiddle with it. If he had bothered to turn around, Cypher would have seen Jett look like a puppy that had just been kicked in the ribs. Her eyes were tearing up and it was very clear that she was trying very hard not to whimper. Nonetheless, Cypher continued to stare out the window the entire flight. When they arrived, Cypher and Jett exited the plane and slowly entered the city. Huge buildings towered over them as they entered the industrial area. As they went further in, Cypher's breathing became ragged and he kept rolling his tripwires on his knuckles. Pretty soon, Jett stopped him and told him to let out whatever he was keeping in.

"I know you think I'm trying to dig into your life or whatever, but I can't have you having a nervous breakdown this mission. I need your eyes Cypher. And if you want to only have a professional relationship, fine by me, but I won't have my ass handed to me on this mission because you're to busy brooding." Jett's eyes showed only fury, the wind ruffling her hair, and the only thing that Cypher could think about was how beautiful she looked. 

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