Chapter 3: Blooming Season

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Let this be a lesson, not only to you, but to those treacherous enough to serve you. The governments are not our allies and never will be, no matter how wayward they stray toward us. Our ancestors have paid in blood to ensure our survival. The Ajisai will not allow you to bring the Clans to their knees once again. Watch your back—or rather, your high seat, Master Yei. It will not last long.

Till our paths cross again.

— Master Jong


Yei crumbled the paper infront of his eyes before hurling it to the wall. How dare they? How dare they find out the truth? They knew. They somehow knew what he was planning, but how?

Who was telling the Ajisai the business of the Renge?

The plan had brewed in his head for months after Young Master Jun returned from the Old Town with news of expansion. The shadows in the street claimed a deal had been struck between the Yue Clan and the Ajisai. Apparently they agreed to share territory, and with Yue being an ally of the Renge, Yei took it as a sign of oncoming danger.

The Ajisai was striking deals with Renge allies. Deals that brought them a lot closer to the Renge than it was comfortable. Yei didn't like it one bit. He knew what expansion meant. His years would slowly be reduced to months, and his months to days. Until his days would become numbered.

Yei only laughed to himself at the thought of it. Jong was a pitiful man who was still vengeful over the past. When Yei had won the battle for who would lead the Clans, Jong was devastated. He believed he had vision. That numskull was blinder than a damned bat.

Jong was nothing but a dull knife in the drawer, and Yei would never allow himself to be thrown over by mediocrity. No matter what it took.

"If they want to play like pigs in a pen, I can be a lot filthier."

They didn't know him at all. Deep down, he knew he'd do anything to stay on top. His visions were astronomical. They were too large for the small system they were limited to.

So Yei did what felt right. He seeked to expand as well. Well, his deal was never quite finalized. Someone had decided to kill his messengers.

And now...tensions were rising. Faster than a flooding river.

"Can you imagine being that sure of yourself?" Yei laughed humorlessly. His most trusted Senior Young Masters, only those who had lived under his instruction for years sat infront around his sleek, blackwood desk.

Yei stared down at his hands, darkened in thought. "All I need to know is how did they know? Who told them? Could it be the people I trust the most? These Masters right at this table? Should I kill every one of you before you confess to revealing us to the Ajisai?"

"Old Master, under any oath we will confess that it is not our fault the Ajisai found out about the collusion between the Circle and us," Young Master Teng said. "It had to have been someone else."

"Someone like who?" Yei gritted through his teeth. "A student? A child?"

In that moment, Miao entered the study. She looked swanlike as always, her black robe flowing behind her. Her hair was in a neat updo with pins holding it together. A kind smile painted her face as she presented cups of tea on a tray.

"This meeting looks quite stressful, I hope this helps," she said sweetly. Yei narrowed his eyes at her. Clan Lady or not, she should learn to knock.

"Thank you, Mistress Miao," the Young Masters collectively bowed to her, but Yei did not. He watched her with cautious eyes as she batted her lashes and disappeared out of the room.

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