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6yrs later

"Abelynn wake up!"I exclaimed at 5 in the morning waking up 6yr old Abelynn. I heared him whine. "Why mummy I want to sleep?!"He said turning away from me. "Baby, do you remember today is your first day of first grade!"I said smiling. He sat up real quick and started tumbled out of bed sleepness still present.

"Go tell your daddy to run the bath water."I told him, him running right out of the room into ours. I yawned and stretched little, not able to do lots because of my 7 month belly. When I walked inside our room i heared them play wrestling and could help but laugh as Abelynn was asking me to help him.

A few moments later Abelynn was in the tub taking himself a bath, as we taught him, and me and Gabrielle were in bed, Gabrielle hugging and kissing my stomach. "Daddy loves you so much baby!"He said which made me feel warm inside. I ran my fingers through his hair, both relaxing in each others embrace.

"I sure she loves you too."I said smiling. "Just like I do."I added bringing his face to my lips.

"I love you too"He says kissing me back. Suddenly Abelynn ran out the bathroom wrapped in a Blue towel.

"Mommy, Daddy I want to pick my own clothes out myself."He says his grammar kind of wrong. "How about tomorrow bud, Mommy work hard for your outfit today,Okay?"Gabrielle said to him.

"Okay."He says with a pout before smiling. "And make sure your not causing a problem at school again."I said pulling a shirt over his head.

Your probably wondering why I told him that?

1yr ago
"Abelynn came sit in the circle with the rest of us."The kindergarten teacher asked.

"Nein, Ich mag dich nicht, Lehrer."
"No, I dont like you, teacher."

"Abelynn speak French please."The non-German speaking teacher says.
You see Abelynn really likes irritating the teacher by speak german, and he knows that he's the only one who can speak German, so because of that he's likes saying really mean things about the teacher.

Because he hates her.
And because he refused to speak French the teacher had to call up Gabrielle, because he was also misbehaving with the other children, and it really trustrated her.

"I won't mommy, well unless it's not that mean teacher again."He whispered the last part.

"I heard that."I said laughing. "But I'm serious no mess."I said my face serious looking, just so he doesn't think I'm joking.

"Okay mommy."He says. "Now let's go get your things so you can get on the bus."Grabbing his hand just to make sure dosnt trip down our stairs.

He grabbed his things with was his Beret, Backpack, Lunch box, And Indila Water bottle.

[Indila is my favorite singer So please listen to S.O.S., Dernèire Danse, And Tourner Dans Le vide:)]

"Bye baby."I waved him out and watched him walk to the bus stop from the front door.

I closed the door, Gabrielle scaring me,wrapping his arms around my waist. He laughed at my reaction. "That's not funny."I said pouting upset.

"Aww baby dont be sad, Its not good for you."He says hugging me. I wanted to be mad at him, but I couldn't so I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, laying my head on his chest.

"Let's go back to bed yeah?"


This chapter was random, sorry🤡
But next chapter is the Epilogue.


At some point soon I will do a face revel and a About the Aurthor of questions no one asked me:)


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