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"The coronavirus has just began to spread all over the world, Italy and the U.S. being hit the hardest, This is new for doctors, Nurses, and scientists so please stay in your homes, where a face covering whenever you leave your house, stand 6feet from one another and be safe."

"Well damn."I mumbled. "Atleast they can still go to school."I sighed my phone then began ringing. "Hello, yes this is he, hmm, okay, Thank you ma'am."Well I ment was.

I walked slowly up the stairs to be careful, and yes I'm still pregnant, 8months now." Gabrielle, The coronavirus cancelled school."I said.

Abelynn was brushing his teeth on his way to put his school clothes on and when I said that he literally bursted with happiness.

"No more school, no more school."He chanted.

[If only he knew the pain I felt being away from school 😭😬]

"I'm so tired I just wanna go back to sleep."Gabrielle said while rubbing his eyes.

The doorbell then rung, So much for luck. [In a sarcastic way]

Abelynn was the one to unlock and open the door, not even knowing who it was. "Abel-"I was rudely cut off by my mother's voice.

"Hey Abelynn, I brought candy's for you!"My mother and father came inside all smilily and what not.

She then finally noticed me. "Oh, Liam I didn't see you there! How's little Rosè doing up in there?"She asked.

I rolled my eyes and sat my hands on top my stomach. "She's doing just fine mom."

There was a silence.

"Okay that's good then."She said.
Me and my mom talk so much over the phone that when we see each other in person we don't know what to even say.

They were here for awhile before they. "Abelynn go put the candy in the kitchen I'll let you eat them later."That was a lie, he doesn't need a sugar rush later, and I'm not taking any chances.

I walked up stairs with Abelynn, Him following me into I his father's bedroom.

Gabrielle was dead knocked out on the bed, probably tired of me, lol. I was still tired, Especially from the useless visit of my parents.

I could tell sleepiness was now dawning on Abelynn as he decided to climb into our bed and cuddle with his dad.

I took put my phone to take a couple of pictures before I settled in bed next to them.

I fell asleep the future of happiness awaiting for me on this journey of life.

The end.

Not the beat ending but bare with me I sat here for 10minutes thinking.


Thank you so much for reading this book i really tried my best writing with the minimum imagination I have, and Thanks for the people that would come everytime that I updated I noticed yall so Thank you again. I will be making more storys but if your not following me you wouldn't know, so I will come here to announce any new storys. Remember to stay safe, Loveyourself, And that If you made a mistake yesterday, Yesturdays you is still you! I will be doing a face revel and a About the Author of questions nobody asked, that'sallcomingoutpastseptember12.


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