Chapter 5 | New normal

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I have lost my house due to unpaid rent so now I have no place to stay. I have a little bit of money from a small job I got at the local diner on the corner of the street. I pay my food with that money and my manager lets me sleep in the backroom of the diner. Not the ideal place but its better than nothing. On my breaks I leave to go skate to get away from there once and a while and forget about everything and just live and be free. This week there was always there was these 5 guys that would always come in and get the same thing. The youngest who looked about 12/13 would always get the food for the 4 others and they would always get the same thing. The kid did not look familiar, but the 4 others looked very familiar like its as if I have seen them somewhere, but I cannot tell you where. They never really show there faces they just really stay outside the window in the front and wait for the little guy to come back and then they leave.

I got home from skate boarding around the neighborhood to clear my mind up and help me cope from whatever was on my mind and came home and walked in the front door. My dad was sitting there on the couch, eyes blood shot, alcohol bottles scattered all over the room. His head snapped as soon as I closed the door. He watched me walk past him to the stairs to get to my room. A beer bottle crashed beside me on the wall and cracked all over leaving pieces of glass all over the floor. I turned around seeing my father looking at me in the eyes. "You." He said pointing his finger at me while standing up. I sprinted up the stairs. I tried to get away, but my small legs did not help me much. He caught up to me quickly. He grabbed my leg and made me trip over. I was laying there on my stomach in the middle of the hall. My father took me over his shoulder like a potato bag. He threw me down the stairs. He came down slowly, I crawled away towards the door, but my father flipped me over, so I was laying on my back under him. He had his pistol in his hand. He started pasting around the room speaking to me. I brought myself back up to standing. My father stopped and looked at me and pointed the gun towards my direction aiming right between my eyes. 

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