Chapter 8 | Meeting the Dad

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Olan's pov

We went to the local diner as always and made sunny go inside to order our food as we always do since he's 13 and were all older so we can boss him around as if he was our own brother. We talked while sunny ordered our burgers. Gio and Na-kel were messing around on there skateboards while Ryder was video taping them. I was starving so impatiently I looked in the window to see what he was up too and if he was looking our way, I was going to tell him to hurry up. Sunny was up at the counter ordering the food. The worker looked cute, but I could not really tell who she was since her head was down and her hair super long black hair was hiding her face. She looked up and mover her hair out of her face while she was giving sunny his change. She was gorgeous, but she looked oddly familiar. I was lost in my thought when she made eye contact with me. Her eyes I could never forget those eyes, those bright grey eyes. Its her, she just looked at me, I do not think she recognized me at all. Maybe it was not her. I tried to hit Gio's arm to get his attention he finally turned around and those grey eyes lingered to him. He gasped and then hit the hard floor. Ryder never stopped filming, we rushed inside the diner's doors and jumper over the counter to see her laying on the floor unresponsive. Gio and Na-kel picked her up and brought her to the backroom while I opened the doors along the way.

Gio's pov

We were all sitting around the bed they had in the backroom waiting for her to wake up. I remember that night like it was yesterday. We were out that night goofing around in the streets making videos and stuff. We were walking around the town, goofing around when we heard bloody murder screams, they weren't far away. The house ahead of us their door was wide open. A girl got picked her up by a man who I'm guessing is her father and threw her down the stairs. He went down the stairs and started kicking her into the street. A car came by full speed and drove over her beaten up body. At this point we were running trying to help this poor girl. I screamed after her father to get his attention. I started yelling after her father about what I just witnessed. He stepped close to me and started yelling back. Another car passed by and I screamed for someone to go check on the poor girl wo just got run over two times. Olan was checking up on the girl and got her out of the street. Her dad started swinging at me and then that's when the fight started going hard. Punches after punches after a while he got tired and was beat up we left him in his house and brought the girl further in an alley. We called the ambulance and I left with the camera since we didn't want the fighting and the actual story brought up since the cops and us aren't really lovey dovey. The boys told them that they found her in the alley beat up and didn't know what had happened and the police left without a problem. We went to visit her a lot when she was in the hospital but we never saw anyone else there for her.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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