Chapter Two: The Puppet

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Polnareff hangs up the phone after calling Jotaro and you're still battling with yourself. Your stand can't manipulate Polnareff's since it's busy trying to take over your body. Polnareff just sits back and thinks.

"He's sweating, he must be nervous." You think to yourself.

"She might be telling the truth but what if she isn't...why would she try to protect me?" Polnareff thinks to himself now "Unless...this is part of her plan! She's pretending to fight herself so when Jotaro arrives, she can take me and him out!"

Jotaro comes in busting the door and Polnareff stands up with a serious face.

"Hold it right there Jotaro, this might be all part of her plan." Polnareff explains "She purposely pretended to fight herself to seem like she's on our side knowing you would come here...She's trying to take us both here!"

Jotaro then looks over at you.

"I'm not faking it, my stand is The Puppet so I am strong enough to control my body." You say "You saw me pulling away my stand, trust me if I wanted to kill you right now wouldn't you think that I would've tried to already?"

Polnareff gulps.

He sighs.

"It's your call, Jotaro." he says looking down.

Jotaro, not anywhere else but you, walks towards you and stops in front of you.

"Hurry! I don't have much energy left to keep fighting!" you exclaim while feeling your stand trying to get out by itself feeling the need to protect itself from Jotaro.

Jotaro's stand appears and it's so fast you barely notice he touched your head and destroyed the disgusting brain looking thing Dio implanted in you. You collapse on the floor and knock out of how tired you are.


You feel the sun hitting your face and you sit up in bed.

"Was that a dream?" you ask yourself "It actually felt like one plus I feel tired. Who were those men? Why was I even in a hotel?"

You giggle.

"The dreams I have." You laugh.

"Oh you're up already?" " you hear a voice behind you say.

You're scared but you still turn around, realizing you heard that voice before.

As you turn around you realize the setting and it's not your room, then you see him.

He's sitting on the floor but gets up as you examine him.

Your only reaction is to scream, and you do.

"Shhhhh!" he tells you, covering your mouth "Don't yell in a hotel! Someone's going to think I'm trying to rape or kill you!"

"Who are you! What are you doing here?" you ask, taking his hand off.

"You don't remember me, or anything from last night?" he asks.

"You're the man of my dreams." you say as you start to remember the not-so dream even that happened last night.

"Man of your dreams?" he blushes.

"Uh, sorry I thought it was a dream and I remember now." you explain "I was trying to kill you and your friend? I was turned evil?"

"Yeah, luckily you didn't cause much trouble but you did scare me."

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine!" he says "I'm glad I didn't have to kill you, especially after you called me handsome."

"I what?" you blush.

"Oh, you don't remember that....I guess it was the evil you."

"What the hell! What else did I say to this guy?"

When suddenly it pops up on your head and you want to cringe.

"I flirted with him! I should've at least done better!" You tell yourself.

"Did I tell you anything else besides trying to flirt with you?" you ask him, still sitting up in bed.

"Yeah, you're about your stand." he says turning away to face the door as he leaves "Oh and your past."

"No I did not. That must've slipped out of my mouth under all the stress I was in!"

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret." he says " Plus, if you're wondering, I slept on the floor."

He closes the door leaving you with the room. You're still in your clothes and for some reason you remember all of the crusaders names and stands.


"Where are they?" You ask yourself after rushing out of the building and looking for them. You spot Kakyoin looking like a long cherry stem and spot the rest of the gang plus the little girl with them. You rush towards them and yell out "Wait!"

They all turn around and wait for you to catch your breath.

"Isn't she the lady who spent the night with Polnareff?" Joseph asks.

"We didn't do anything!" Polnareff says then turns to you "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Take me with you."


"Why would you want to?" Avdol asks.

"I-I-I don't know but I just feel like I have to." you answer "I can help you guys out."

"Can you tell us the other stand users who are after us?" Avdol asks.

"Uh-no." you say "But I'm sure you guys are after Dio and I want to be there when you see him eye to eye."

"Why?" Jotaro asks.

"I want to avenge myself, he took advantage of me and I'm sure some of you know what it feels like." you explain hoping for a good answer from them "Plus, Jotaro, you've seen my stand...I could be useful."

Jotaro and the others look at each other.

"She is strong for a woman." Jotaro says.

"That does it then." Joseph says "You better have come prepared because we're heading to Singapore!"

They all turn away and start walking, you stand for a while and think.

"It's not because I shared my deepest regret with someone I don't know that I'm traveling along them but because not only do I want to confront Dio but because I just had a strong feeling that people like them is just what I need in my life."

"Hey! You're falling behind!" Polnareff yells out to you.

You run towards them feeling like an anime girl in a shoujo anime.

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