Chapter Three: Singapore

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"Did they already leave?" Polnareff asked.

"Yeah, they left a while ago with Anne." Avdol says.

"So that's her name." you whisper.

"Y/N, you want to go explore the city?" Polnareff asks.

"Oh, um yeah sure." You say.

"Avdol, care to join us?" Polnareff then asks Avdol.

"I would but we have to watch each other's backs, Kakyoin and Jotaro are together and though Joseph's watching over Anne, he needs someone by his side." Avdol says just to turn around and see Polnareff had walked away and you were the only one listening.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah we got it." Polnareff says waving his hand in the air.

Avdol looks at you and your eyes widen not knowing what to do because what the heck, Avdol is looking at you.

"Watch him, make sure there aren't any stand users following you and if there are then you know what to do." Avdol tells you.

Why and how is everything he says sounds so serious?

"Hey, Y/N!" Polnareff yells out to you "You're falling behind!"

You nod at Avdol and leave him to catch up with Polnareff.

"You have to be careful here." Polnareff says as he steps on the street crowded with people of every color "There are too many people here, anyone can be the stand user."

"Yeah...hey, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah?" he says looking at you.

Oh my god, I just noticed, this man has no eyebrows!

You smile, trying to hold in your laugh.

His attention still focused on you, he smiles back thinking you wanted his attention just to see his face. With the realization of that, you start getting embarrassed but this time you're blushing.

Why am I blushing and did he really think I just wanted his attention! Does he really think I was flirting!? Oh my god, nooooo. This is so awkward, I should've stayed with Avdol or Joseph!

"Don't you not trust me?" you ask all of a sudden "I mean after what happened, for all you know I can still be evil and try to befriend you."

Polnareff pulls you to a dark passage and hides behind the wall as if trying to spy on someone.

"Hey, did you hear anything I said!" you yell at him pulling on his shirt.

He turns around to look at you.

"I just thought I saw someone suspicious following us." he says "Are you though?"


"Trying to befriend me?"


"I'll take your word for it then."

"Just like that?"

"Yeah, you're being honest aren't you?"


"Then yeah, plus why not take a girl out for a date? Huh?"


"I mean this passage is pretty dark and lonely, it's a good place to make out...or do other stuff." he smirks.

"Disgusting! I would never have sex out in the streets like this, what are you? A dog?"

"When it comes to sex positions, that's my favorite-" you interrupt him from saying anything else.

"Let's get out of here."

"Hey, you didn't say I was disgusting or that you didn't want to do it."

"Oh, I do."

His face turns red.

"You d-d-do?"

"What are you scared now, you were insisting." you tease "And not with you, I meant."

"What!!!" Polnareff cries "Don't tease a man like that! By the way who else would you want to do it with?!"

As you guys walk through crowds of people, you continue the conversation.

"Let's play guess." you smirk at him.

"Ah! Okay." Polnareff says "Can't be Joseph, he's too old plus he's married....unless you like old men!"

"I do like older men but I respect a man with a ring."

"Kakyoin! It's Kakyoin, he's the pretty boy in the group."

"Who's that?"

"Oh- the guy with pink hair? Green school uniform?"

"I can't remember his face, all that's popping up in my head is a cherry." you laugh.

"Oh, oh! He does look like a cherry!' he laughs then stops a while later "Can it be Jotaro? He's very serious and has a mean face."

"No, he's not exactly my type." you answer "He's too quiet, I would like him better as a trustful friend."

"I was sure it was Kakyoin!" Polnareff then gasps "Ahhhh, nooooo."

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"Out of all the people, why him!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you having sex with Avdol!" he yells.

People look at you two weirdly.

"AH, shut up!" you tell him.

"It had to be the dark skin, is my white skin not attractive?" he cries.

You don't say anything but stand by him as he continues to cry about his discoveries.

"When did you even have the time to decide you like Avdol? Why him!?" he continues "You didn't stay because you wanted to defeat Dio, you wanted to stay to win Avdol!"

"Are you done?"

"Well he's mine, no taking from me!"

"It's Dio."


"It's not Avdol nor anyone, I'm not into anyone." you explain "Geez, calm down."

"Are you playing with me?"

"No, you should be happy it's not Avdol."

"Then that means..." he says.


"I just need to win your heart before anyone else does!"

"Good luck." you laugh "Well you have a lot of competition if you're going against four or three guys!"

"Ahhhh, don't say things like that!"

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