Chapter Eight

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The silence from Harry Potter after the partial destruction of Aberdeen was unsettling to the entire magical population in the United Kingdom. The Ministry tried to locate him, using George Weasley's name for any properties and even searching through the entire joke shop in Diagon Alley. They found nothing. The employees only knew that George was dead despite the fact no one would probably find his body.

The goblins could confirm the death though, by the fact his will had been unlocked, something that would only happen in the event of his death. They called in the people listed and all but Harry Potter showed up. A few unwanted ones turned up as well, namely some of George's family members. George gave the joke shop to his employees, and left the house and almost all his gold to Harry. The employees were given a share. Nothing was left to his family.

Both the Ministry and the Order tried to get George's address to the house from the goblins but they showed the will and there was no address listed.

In the end the Ministry's hunting gave no results; they couldn't find any house or even flat with George's name although it was known he had purchased a house. They wondered if he had bought it under a false name, which meant it would be impossible to find the house and through that, Harry himself.

Dumbledore was quite disappointed with the results. Amelia Bones wanted nothing to do with the Order, and so he wouldn't have anything to do with the Ministry. If he found Harry Potter first, he'd do away with the boy before alerting the Ministry. Amelia spoke of returning Harry to Azkaban, now with only human guards. Dumbledore scoffed at that. There was no need to keep Harry alive.

It would be a great loss to the magical world to lose the last Potter and their ancient blood, but Harry did this to himself. Had he only been patient and stayed at Azkaban Dumbledore would have arranged everything for him, including marriage to Ginny Weasley. Harry could have lived a calm, sheltered life like he always wanted to.

However, he could plan Harry's death as much as he wanted but if he couldn't find where Harry was all this planning would be quite pointless. Dumbledore sent out Order members when they had time to scout remote houses, see if they saw Harry. If not, they would look for Dementors, seeing as they could lead the Order to Harry. Dumbledore hoped Amelia hadn't caught up on that and advised the Aurors to look for Dementors to find Harry.


It was a crisp October morning and Ginny was alone in the house. Her father and brothers were out; Ron had moved out with Hermione, both of them opting to live closer to London with their two children. She didn't want to be alone though, and fire-called around. Luna and Neville were free, and soon came over to keep her company.

Ginny had been rather depressed ever since Harry got out. For one, he never once looked at her. Also, his words sent her mother to Azkaban and then being responsible for Molly's death because in Ginny's mind there was no doubt he caused her death. Not only that, George's definitive death due to the release of his will was devastating. Despite him being on Harry's side, Ginny would miss him dearly.

So now Ginny cursed Harry's name, blaming George's death on him as well. If only he hadn't drawn George to him, then George would be alive right now. To think the boy she loved for so long was such a horrible, horrible person!

Neville and Luna were godsend, spending a lot of time with her after Harry had been put in Azkaban, and helping her feeling light about the future. Professor Dumbledore spoke to her numerous times, and of course Harry would come out from Azkaban one day and he would absolutely be in love with her, naturally.

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