Chapter Twelve

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One of the heaviest blows had been dealt to the Order, and there was no escaping that. Minerva McGonagall's death had a huge impact on them all. Albus sat in his office after her funeral and kept staring into empty air.

He felt angry, and in despair. Harry Potter had managed to kill Minerva. Sure, he'd killed Voldemort as well but Albus always thought it was with the help of countless people and that Harry would never have managed without them. Was Albus wrong? Could Potter really be that strong he managed Minerva on his own?

Somehow he knew he'd be next. If Potter had aimed for her, he surely would follow. The Order consisted mostly of people Potter didn't know. They were new to him, and probably unimportant. Albus wouldn't be leaving Hogwarts for a while. The wards would prevent Potter from getting inside.

"Looks like I'll be stuck here for some time," he said.


What Albus didn't count on was Harry not caring about the wards, and pressing on despite that. Harry thought the wards would shriek out, alarm the school an intruder was coming but eventually they gave him, allowed him passage. He stood still for some time, waited for someone to come.

Nothing. It was as if Hogwarts welcomed him inside after he got through the wards the Ministry had set up.

Getting into the castle was even easier than getting through the wards. He opened the door and was inside. He'd chosen the evening to avoid most of the students. He was only after one person after all.

As he stepped into the main hall, he smiled.

"Figured you'd notice me," he said.

Albus stood with his wand ready.

"I don't know why Hogwarts have let you inside, but this is as far as you will go, Harry. Tonight I will end the terror you started."

"Oh? How long did you train on that speech? Too bad there aren't any reporters here to write about it, make you shine in the press."

"What happened to you, Harry?"

"You did. Not that you'd ever admit that. Perhaps you don't even realize it yourself."

"All I have ever done Harry, I have done it to keep the world safe."

"Yeah, yeah, spare me your 'For the greater good'-speech," Harry said and took out Voldemort's wand. "I'm not interested in hearing what you've done for the good of the world. I'm not here for the good of the world. I'm here to make your last moments alive very painful."

"You killed your friends…"

"I sure did."

"Your own professor!"

"Yeah, she put up a fair fight, I'll give her that," Harry acknowledged, grinning as it made Albus grit his teeth. "Will you do as well?"

Albus attacked. It was nothing like fighting professor McGonagall. This smelled of desperation. Not even Voldemort had seemed this desperate, and Harry laughed. He should be worried. Albus Dumbledore was still a formidable opponent. Voldemort feared him. So why didn't Harry?

He hadn't feared anyone since this all started. That was the difference between him and Voldemort, he supposed, as he blocked Albus' spells. Hogwarts' walls were hit and the castle shrieked. He heard distant screaming as the whole castle rumbled at the force of their spells. Even as he saw the damage the headmaster's spells did none of the expected fear turned up.

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