Dust Ridden Books

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Amity flushed, very suddenly realizing what she had done and said.

"Amity..." Luz cautsiosly rose from her previously inhabitated bean bag, her hands flapping anxiously at her sides.

"Did you eat some gum, by any chance?"

She immediately spat the pink wad into a nearby tissue, before abruptly rising and tossing it.

"How was I supposed to know you tainted it?!"

Luz's ears turned as pink as the aforementioned candy.

"Well how was I supposed to know you would have some?!'

"It's GUM Luz! It's notoriously communal!"

Luz blushed. Amity was kind of right. She really should have put the potion in something more subtle. Maybe she was partly to blame for this. She sighed, in a attempt to calm her nerves from the sharp accusation.

"Look Amity you're going to be fine," she said evenly, and put her hands on her friends shoulders to anchor her.

"I know that, obviously! You're so smart that you could make whatever-"

Amity slapped a hand over her mouth to stop the uncontrollable flow of words. She had done it again! She hadn't even realized that she was praising the human until she was halfway through the sentence. She hadn't even intended to! 
This is ridiculously out of character for me! She haughtily shrugged those damned hands off of her.

"UGH! When the hell is this wearing off, Luz?!" 

"Beats me! I'm in Intro To Potions."

Amity gave her the most exasperated look she could muster, and Luz cut off the words bubbling in her friends throat,

"BUT I think I can find out!"


"Wow, I never would have guessed to look here," Amity said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Luz reached for a dusty book, puffing her cheeks out in frustration.

"Don't give me that. I can't blame you for being frustrated, but we both know that I never meant to potion you." 

She handed the comedically large novel to Amity, who took it with a huff. She looked back at her friend, her eyes softening after a moment.

"I can't stay mad at that cute-" Amity stopped herself again, and let out a strangled yell of frustration.

Luz turned away to grab another book to hide her red face.

"Here's another one: So You've Been Cursed, Hexed, Bewitched?"

"Perfect," Amity said, as Luz joined her at a nearby table.

"Well," the minty witch said, "This is not the type of reading I had in mind for today."

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