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     Luz Noceda had the feeling that her heart was going to explode into a pile of glass and putty and seep right into the forest floor. On the walk to the Owl House, Amity had not let up on her shameless, genuine flirting, and it was seriously affecting the poor Afro-Latina girl. The sight of the Owl House was a welcome relief, as the girl thought she might pass out if she heard Amity describe her eyes in any more detail.

    “Well hiya, Luz! Somebody's looking flushed!”

    “Hooty, let us in or I swear to God I'm gonna sic Amity on you.”

    Even in her inebriated state, Amity managed to scowl threateningly at the house entity.

    “Hoot! Alright! Jeez!”

    The door swung open to reveal the notorious Owl Lady lounging on the living room sofa.

    “We have a major problem,” Luz said, barging into the room before any pleasantries could be exchanged

“Why hello to you too,” the witch said looking towards the pair. Her eyes landed on Amity, who was looking around the room dreamily. Eda’s yellow eyes narrowed.

    “What's wrong with minty over there?”

    “I kinda maybe… accidentally gave Amity a dose of love-potion…”

    Eda sighed, but found her frustration ebbing away as she saw how distressed her pupil was. She walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

    At the moment, the touch felt like a million needles to the spiraling human. She flinched away from the contact, and her breaths began to quicken. Eda drew her hand back quickly realizing her mistake.

    “Luz, I need to to take some deep breaths for me, okay? Can you do that for me, kiddo?”

    Luz nodded, and began drawing air into her lungs. They felt constricted, but she quickly pushed past the discomfort. It took her a few moments, but she was able to ground herself. The tightness in her chest began to unfurl like a spool of yarn.

“Are you feeling better, Luz?” Her mentor asked.

“Yeah.” She wasn't lying. She really was feeling more stable.

“Sorry about that, Eda.”

¨Hey, dont worry about it,¨ Eda sent her protégé a patient smile.

“Ill make sure to ask before I do anything next time.”


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