Chapter 2 :3

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(Andy's Pov)

As i saw Ashley ran out to my car his dad shouted "GET BACK HEAR YOU EMO FAGS!"  Seaid Joe Ashleys dad.

Ashley jumped in the car and shouted  "GO FUCKING GO!"

I Ramed my foot on the peddle and looked over at Ashley and look in his eyes and saw a bit of saddness and love in his eyes. Really "Love?"

As soon as i rember i was driving and in the matter of secondes we was at school, I Stoped the car and lent over to give him a hug. As i hugged him tightley i head Wolf whisltes from Jinxx,Jake and Cc.

"Haha Guys we arent going out" I Seaid to them. And thay started to walk into school.

(Ashley's Pov)

As me and Andy got out of the car Andy shouted to Jinxx, Jake and Cc "OI Wait Up Guys!" Omg his voice is so deep and sexy i seaid to myself.

Thay waited for us as we walked over to them silenty. Really aukwerd..

(Jinxx's Pov)

I held my chuppys hand (Cc) As we walkd into school, Me chuppy,Andy and Ashley walks in to calls Very late.

"Your late" Mr Monroe Shuted at us...

(Cc's Pov)

We all lookd at sir, Me and Jinxx stil hand in hand, We all walked over to our table and sat down. 

The bell rang after five minits of talking, Eveyone got up out of there seats whent out of calss and made our way to maths... "yay" I seaid in a sarcastic voice i hate maths.

(Andy's Pov)

We all walked in to calass and sat down, me and Ashley sat oppietset eachouther. I tore a peace oof paper out of my book, folded it up and wrote

"Ashley, you look so cute when you smile, You shold do it moore often :) -Andy"

I Passed it to Ash and he read it and smiled. 

(Ashley's Pov)

I Opend the note and smiled over to andy and wrote back  and seaid "Aw thanks dude, are you gay or bi? I'm gay. I'm going to tell the outhers soon but please dont tell them. - Ashley" 

I passed it to him and he lookd up to me and Moithed "Gay" Back to me. A smiled crept acros my face and all of a suddeen Ronnie came in class and shouted at Andy

"OI OI DICKHEAD, You me at breck out side the school gates. Dont be late you fag!" 

I Saw sadness rage upon his face.

(Andy's pov)

I looked down at the table as ashley lookd at me with a worried look.

The end of class came and i relly diddent whant to have a fight today, Espechiley with Ashley watching. I Walked out of class neversley speed walking to the gate, I was faster then the outhers so thay diddent catch up with me. I Got to the gates and saw Ronnie and 5 outher boys walking over to me...

In The End (Andley)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now