Charlie's Game (fluff)

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You drop your keys in the bowl by the front door, shifting the grocery bags you're carrying. Dean had begged you to made your cheese-stuffed burgers tonight, and you'd been happy to oblige him, running out to the store before they closed.

Making your way into the kitchen, you drop you bags on the counter and start unloading the groceries. A giggle echoes from the hallway, and you call out "I'm home!" hearing a pitter patter of feet in response.

"Mommy! Did you get me anything?" your little girl launches herself straight into your arms. You chuckle and brush her dark curls out of her eyes.

"Of course Mommy did. But you have to eat dinner first okay? Now, go wash your hands and I'll let you help me makes the patties. You can even stuff the cheese in." You kiss her cheek and she scampers down the hallway excitedly.

"Hey babe." Dean's arms snake around you from behind. "You get me anything?"

"You know it. But just like Charlie, you'll have to wait until after dinner." You turn to kiss him and blink, almost not sure what you're seeing. "Um, Dean? What is all over your face?"

His entire face is covered in bright blue dots. He looks like he has the chicken pox, except for the color difference. "About that. Charlie and I were playing Hangman. If she guessed a letter in the phrase, she got to give me a dot. Our daughter's pretty smart ya know?"

"Yeah, she gets it from her mother." You tease, kissing his nose. Suddenly, you pull back and give him a horrified stare. "Dean, where did Charlie get the marker for your little game?"

"Off your desk I guess. You don't mind do you?" he asks, reaching around you for the cheese. "Mm, sharp cheddar. This is why I married you."

You double over laughing, tears rolling down your cheeks. "Oh my God Dean! That marker is a Sharpie! It's permanent!"

His face goes white. "What?"

"It's a permanent marker babe! It won't wash off! Oh God, this is the best day ever! You look like you just made out with a Smurf!" Your sides start to ache from your roaring laughter.

"Y/N, this isn't funny! Sam and Cas will be here any minute, I can't let them see me like this! You've got to help me get this off!" he pleads. He turns to the sink and begins rubbing water on his face.

"I'll try babe, but I don't think it's coming off anytime soon. Maybe it'll wear off in a few days?" you suggest, trying to stifle your laughter at his horrified expression.

"What will wear off, a spell?" Cas suddenly appears at your side. "Dean, it appears you are sick. Your face is covered in spots. Should I heal you?" he asks with a concerned expression.

"I don't think healing will cover this Cas. It's a permanent disease." You crack, causing Dean to glare at you.

"Not helping." He snaps.

"Oh come on baby, it's not that bad. It's kind of cute actually." You tease.

Charlie bounces into the room. "I'm ready to help make the patties Mommy!"

You pick her up and place her on a stool, standing behind her so she won't fall. "Charlie, did you know what you did to Daddy's face won't come off?" you ask and she gives you a wide-eyed look of pure innocence.

"You mean Daddy will be blue forever?" she asks, then giggles. "Can I call him Little Boy Blue?"

"You most certainly may not, young lady. I'm not entirely convinced you didn't know this was permanent. I seem to recall you threatening to get me back when I made you go to bed early last night for not cleaning your room." Dean says, frowning down at her.

"I would never do that Daddy. I love your face." She protests, crossing her heart.

"She didn't do it on purpose Dean, you know that. Look at her sweet little face, she would never." Castiel says, smiling down at her. "She's perfectly innocent."

"Right. Well if anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom trying to scrub this mess off." He stomps down the hall.

"Try alcohol babe!" you call to him, before you and Cas erupt into laughter.

About 20 minutes later, Dean emerges from the bathroom, his face bright red but no blue spots to be seen. "What did the trick?" you ask with a grin.

"Nail polish remover. It burns like hell and I stink, but there's no more spots." He replies, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. You wrinkle your nose.

"You do stink. Too late for a shower though, I'll have dinner on the table in 10 minutes. Where is Sam? He should have been here by now."

"I'm here!" he calls from the top of the bunker stairs. "Sorry I'm late, I stopped to pick up a 6 pack."

"Did you bring me anything Uncle Sammy?" Charlie asks, her face hopeful.

"You know I did sweet girl. You'll have to wait till after dinner though." He says, kissing the top of her head.

She stomps her foot. "That's what everyone says."

"Cause grown-ups know best." He replies

You check the burgers. "Guys, it's almost done, everyone to the table!"

You get the food ready to be served and bring everything out. "Looks great babe." Dean says, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "Smells even better."

You all eat and chat, laughing when Charlie does her Bugs Bunny impression. Sam tells the story of Dean and his lucky day, omitting certain parts for Charlie's sake, causing you all to crack up.

Once dinner is done, you tell your daughter, "Now Charlie, there's cookies on the counter, but you can't have any until you help me clear the table and wash the dishes, okay?"

"Okay Mommy." She says solemnly.

"I'll help you, Squirt." Sam offers, taking a few plates into the kitchen with her. A few moments later he calls out, "Y/N! Charlie is in the cookies!"

You hurry into the kitchen. Charlie is on a stool with her hand in the open container of chocolate chip cookies. She turns and gives you a sheepish look. "They were calling out to me Mommy. They wanted me to eat them!"

You cross your arms. "Young lady, I told you not even 5 minutes ago that you couldn't have any cookies until after the dishes were done. Go to your room. You're in time-out."

"Tattletale." She hisses at Sam.

"Hey, you're the one who didn't listen to your mom, don't blame me!" He teases, sticking out his tongue.

She pouts at you both. "Mommy, can Uncle Sam come play with me, please? I'll be a good girl, I promise."

You stare down at her sweet little face and instantly cave. "Fine, but no cookies right now."

She sighs and takes Sam's hand. As they head down the hall you hear her ask, "Ever play hangman Uncle Sam? Daddy taught me a new way to play it, I just need my blue marker."

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