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My name Is Ketorima Hidesea, I am in high school the 9th grade. I don't like anyone in this school, not one person. I have one friend her name is, Korimanato or Korima for short. She is a very shy person, well so am I... but I don't like being shy and I don't think she does either. I want to tell her how I feel, I think my life would be better, until something else comes and changes that.

I live in a family of four, my two sisters and my Mom. I never really had a Dad... I guess you could say I have a feminine personality and I get called gay for it. Although I am not gay, if so I would of been even more shy than Korima is.

I see myself with the biggest smile on my face. Its like I can see myself from across the room and is staring at me.

Hey Keto, are you going to go home and finish the homework right away.

Ya, I am.

The bell for 2nd period just went off. I have a class with Korima that I wish I had more than just two. In my life I have had one girlfriend and I have not had my first kiss. My 2nd period is advanced japanese which is one of my favorite subjects because I love to read but not write.

I have never really hung out with popular people like Tamoyo and kaito. Those two are apparently the cutest couple in the school. I can beg to differ. Lentru and Danitcha are really cute together and I think me and Korima look the best. If only I had the guts to go pull off I would do it, But I could never do it, So I figured that I date someone that she does not know and see how it works. I don't want to be that awkward with her, But, what if she has never dated someone. I guess then it would be ok to date her.

So far it's been a week. Its Monday and I don't want anything to go wrong, so I dont want to get rejected, so I am going to talk to her after school today and hope for the best, but I don't know if I want it to be a letter or be in person.

I wait a bit and It's now after school and I know what I am going to do. She is still in the classroom with nobody in it. I am going to do it here and now.

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