got tired of segmenting this, sorry :/

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The walls shake again but this time it's soft and ripply.

Keto,Keto are you there. The teacher repeats

Yes but can I go to the bathroom really quickly?

Sure, hurry back.

Thank you.

I dart out the room so that I can get to where the gunshots were.

(there in that building I have to get there before the shots are fired.)

don't do it you got so much to live for you're going to go to die unless you put down the gun.

(It's right around the corner.)

I jump into the room to discover that a man is going to shoot the girl.

Hey teacher, don't do it. I can help you through whatever you're going through you're going to die unless you don't put the gun down.

No I don't have to listen to you twerp you have no clue..

Your wife was stolen by this guy I know but I can help you resolve this peacefully.

How, this was yesterday and that's when my wife left me for this sac of shite.

Oh I know I have seen the news from the next day you die in the electric chair for what you have done you know that right.

How it's the 31st, how can you go into the future that's impossible.

He points the gun toward the ground and he starts crying. From behind me my teacher comes out from the hallway and looks at me.

Keto you need to be in class you're going to get

And I know, but this adult is threatening to kill the little girl.

And how are you stopping this.

I told him he would die unless he stopped and now he is only going to 2 years in prison, instead of dieing.

How do you know all of this for all you know he could've not of done it.

I just know ok I don't have to tell you everything.

Ok but..

My teacher knocked me down and the gun fired from behind me.

Thank you I forgot that he was going to shoot me now he is going to run over here and try to shoot us, I need you to teach to get the kids out of the room and make sure the other teacher gets out safe.

Ok Keto I hope you know what you are doing.

Ready break.

I dart for his gun and I grab it from his hands and I throw it out the window.

Hurry kids run for it.

(what does this guy think he is doing.)

He looks like he has an idea that he might end up killing me.

Look dude I don't know what your problem is but you need not to kill me or anyone or I will be forced to kill you instead.

You kill me all I wanted was to kill my worthless daughter.


You think she is worth less.

I have the gun behind me and I have to jump out the window.

Listen kid I don't know oh wait I do know your Renchi's little friend that he looks after sometimes.

Ya your daughter's older brother.

Dark WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora