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"Is this Miss Lockhart?" "Yes, and this is?"

"This is American Airline, I'm Shayla and I'm sorry to inform you that the flight Mr. Hood was on had just crashed."


I would trade everything I've ever owned for it to never happen. As soon as she said those words, my heart sank. As she continued on, it felt like someone was ripping my heart out.

"Currently, Mr. Hood is being rushed to the closest hospital but he was injured really badly, the hospital is trying their best and-'" I couldn't hear the rest and I couldn't think straight, my eyes were blurred by my tears and there was nothing left of me to say a word to reply her.

The phone call that changed my life.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lockhart, you're listed as the emergency contact on Mr. Hood's insurance, I understand this is hard to process, but we need you to come down and fill out some forms." And she went on about what happened.

When they were about to take off, something happened in the engine, something got stuck, and if they postponed the flight to check, they will need to delay the flights after that too, and it would cost them a bit extra money, so they didn't.

Around three or four minutes in air, the enine stopped working and the next thing they knew were they were falling from miles above, lastly crashing at New Hamptons.

So, I went on the next train to New Hamptons, rushing to the hospital but when I got there, it wasn't the Calum I was use to seeing, it was a cold corpse, rips and cuts all over him, his eyes were still opened.

"He was holding on to this." The nurse said, passing me a piece of neatly folded paper, "Would you like to keep it?"

"Yes, thank you." I took the piece of paper and held it in my hand, there I stood, looking at Calum. 

Here's the thing about love, it doesn't stop because of death, and in the bottom of my heart, there is always a place for Calum, and after Calum, I couldn't love anyone as much as I loved him.  The feeling I had seeing his corpse that day was strange, I couldn't cry, it felt like someone has paused all emotions coming out from me, I felt almost like all my internal organs were dead and nothing was functioning, the sun wasn't shining and the world wasn't turning with out him.

I walked out of the mortuary, Calum's voice echoed in my head.

"I love you." "Violet, thank you." "You're my entire world." "Goodbye."

I opened the piece of paper, some sentences were scribbled on there, I instantly noticed those are the words he mumbled in his sleep.

"Within a minute I was all packed up, I've got a ticket to another world. I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go. The silent words are hard to speak, when your thoughts are all I see."

At night, sometimes at night when he wrapped his arms around my body, and we were hours asleep, he would mumble, "I don't wanna go", "Your thoughs are all I see". Those three sentences were so raw, and I folded up the paper and put it in my shirt pocket. That was the closest to my heart it could be at this point.

Please don't go.

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