Chapter 3: One thing after another.

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"Is there a reason why your staring at me?" Oliver asked me with a mean look in his eye.

"Uh...I w-wasn't staring at you, I was staring out the window." I lied to him, again.

"You do realize that since I was looking straight ahead, I saw you looking directly at me, probably trying to figure out what I was thinking about or why my face was looking like it was, with my peripheral vision, right?" Oliver asked. Why does he have to be so smart?! I hate his brain!!

"No." I said. I started acting like an idiot so that he'd leave me alone.

"*Sigh*. Never mind." He said.

See? I told you he'd leave me alone!

*In the store*

"Okay, you all know what your looking for right? Mom asked.

"Yes." Victoria, Oliver, and I spoke simultaneously.

"Good, your dad and I will be sitting on the bench when you three are ready to get in line, don't dilly dally and don't forget we're on a budget." She told us.

Victoria rushed over to the accessories and I began to walk away when Oliver then tapped my shoulder.

"Want to shop together, since we're in the same grade, we're looking for the same stuff." He asked.

"We're in the same grade?" I asked.

"Yeah, my birthday is in September just like yours, except yours is September 21st and mine is September 30th." He reminded me.

"Oh yeah, I knew that!" No I didn't.

"Sure you did." He rolled his eyes and I think he even smiled for a second.

"So you wanna shop together?" He asked again.

Okay this is weird, why would he ask to shop with me? This has to be some type of trap. But I can't say no because I don't really have a good reason why (if you know Oliver well, you know he's gonna ask why).

"Um...yea." I answered. I just fell right into his trap like the idiot I am.

"Cool, let's go." He said.

*We're almost finished shopping*

"September." Oliver began.

"Uhh...yea..." I don't think I've ever felt this nervous around Oliver.

 "I've been meaning to ask you something." He continued.

I had no idea what he was about to ask, but I thought of some ideas; "When was the last time you told a lie?","Did you notice that your eye changed back to it's original color?","Have you stumbled across any magical stones that give you fire powers lately?!".

"What color binder did you want?" He asked.

"I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!" That answer just quickly busted out of my mouth.

I put my hand over my lips.

"What?!" Oliver was confused.

"UHH......I MEAN...HAZEL NO!!! SCARLET NO!!! BLUE!! Yeah! Blue, is what I meant to say..." Could I be any more suspicious and paranoid?

"Um...Alright..." Oliver said. "Are you feeling okay, is there anything that happened that you'd want to talk about?"

"No...I'm fine." If I were him, I wouldn't believe me at all. Hell! If I were anyone with a brain, I wouldn't believe me at all!!

"Your not lying to me are you?" Oliver asked. "You know you can tell me the truth. I'm not Victoria, I won't freak out."

"I'm not lying, Oliver." I just dug the hole even deeper by telling him right into his face that I wasn't lying to him, when I was. "I'm just tired, let me go get some filler paper, okay?"

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