Chapter 5: First Day Jitters.

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*September 7*

 "September, get up it's your first day of high school!!" Mom shouted. She's gotten used to shouting because in Washington, we lived in a house with two levels, this house only has one level, no upstairs, just a basement. I could barely even get up because the whole entire time I've been living here, I've been sleeping in a sleeping bag, my back is just now starting to hurt.

"Mom!" I yelled.

"Yes?" Mom asked as she walked into my room.

"Can I stay home today, pleeeaaassse?!" I begged.

"Why would you even ask that, it's your first day of course not." She said.

"But my back hurts really really bad." I told her.

"To bad." She replied. "Get movin'."

*Oliver, Victoria, and I are waiting for Mrs. Knight and Shane to come pick us up*

Mom's cell phone rings.

"Hello?" Mom answers the phone. "Oh, hi Cheryl. You are? Okay they'll be out in a second. Okay, bye." She hung up.

"Was that Mrs. Knight?" Victoria asked.

"Yeah." Mom said. Oliver, Victoria, and I gave Mom and Dad hugs, said bye, then walked out as they followed us. Dad went to his car, Mom stayed at the door and waved at Mrs.Knight, and we got in Mrs. Knight's car.

"Hey kids." Mrs. Knight said as we all got in the car. The three of us said "hi".

"Are you ready?" Shane asked me.

"Yeah. Are you?" I asked him.

"Oliver and I were born ready. Right Oliver?" Shane asked Oliver.

"Yeah." Oliver replied. "I didn't even bother going through 8th grade."

"I can't wait til' we graduate high school." Shane said.

"We haven't even started our first day of high school yet, and your already thinking about high school graduation?" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Yeah." He simply said. We giggled.

*Mrs. Knight's car stops in front of the school*

We all say bye. Victoria and Oliver walk in together. Shane is standing with me because I froze up. He puts his arm around me.

"Would you like to walk in together?" He asked looking directly at me.

"Sure." I said. I admit, I was a little shy and scared because I was in a new city and I was going to a new school. Shane being here, is actually a blessing, and he probably thinks that me being here, is a blessing to him because I'm his precious "little sister". We walked into the front door then went to the front office to find out what class we're in and got our schedules. Victoria is older than Oliver, Shane and I so her classes were on the top floor, Shane and I were assigned to the same homeroom class together but our schedules were only a little different, and Oliver had a different homeroom class, but him and I had one class together, Science.

*Shane and I walk into class together, which hasn't started yet, we sit at desks that are right next to each other*

"Oh, great. He's back. Still didn't get a haircut I see." A blond haired girl who's sitting behind Shane says.

"Hello, Chloe. Nice to see you too." Shane says to her.

"Who's that girl, she your girlfriend or somethin'?" Chloe asks. I didn't respond, I was too shy.

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