🤍❤️Chapter 1❤️🤍

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---Japan point of view---

It was almost midday I'd say, early I have been doing nothing but cleaning up the house we where going to use for this visit.

We did it every year, one of us would go to the other's home land. Over time we made it a habit to switch between being in a populated city or the countryside. Last year America took me to Philadelphia, so this year I'm taking him out to a small house near the forest. Though we'll be meeting in Kanazawa because it's the closest to hear. 

I sat outside the airport, just outside. If I was to be honest it would be easier on him if I was in because he could find me quicker, but it was horribly loud in there. Lucky I heard he's plane land around 3 minutes ago so he should be out soon enough, he does have a tendency to rush most of the time. Really I hope he can hurry, this place has history to it I'm not very comfortable with and I wouldn't want to start out a visit in a place that makes me think of bad times. Nothing against the town it's beautiful, really to most people it would be a lovely place to spend time with someone you care about...

Currently I was wearing a white t shirt and formal light grey pants, and over top the shirt a cotton black jacket. When America gets out he'll probably insult me for wearing something like this, I never really understood why he would always point out what I wear but that's just how he is I suppose. 

My eyes fly up as I see him standing near the road with he's hands in he's genes, turning he's head back and forth like a bird. Sucking in some breath I stand up quickly, fix my jacket and walk over to him. When I tap on he's shoulder he gasps then turns around nearly hitting me, I back up a step or two. "Jesus Christ Japan!" America yelled as he turned fully my way, letting out a another gasp. "You could have said something, I barely felt that it was like a ghost!" He yelled, making me shrink a little. "I'm so sorry, I'll try to avoid it next time.." I said, but he just waved he's hand (to close to my face) and smiled. "Nah don't worry about it. It's cool. Wake me up anyway, I didn't even notice the plane had stopped I was so tired!" I lightly smiled and nodded at him. "Huh, soooo- wanna go get something to eat before we head off to your house?" Going back to my normal expression I say. "I was hoping he could just go there eminently." "Aww, can't we just get something quick? I'll pay it isn't a big deal." I shake my head. "I'm going to make something when we get there, please." Finally America shrugs. "Well in that case sure, sounds interesting." Without wanting to add to that I start walking over to my car, he follows after me looking around still. He seemed like he was thinking of important but I didn't really want to know just what it was, only if it was bothering him. 

Though I haven't lived in the house we're going to, I have had this car for a few good years and I always forgot how funny America looked when he got in it, it was like he was being crushed in the passenger seat. "I'm sorry, we'll be there soon." America mumbled something as he starred out the window. And we took off out of the city to the countryside.

---End of Chapter 1 out of 10---

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