🤍❤️Chapter 3❤️🤍

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(Japan point of view.)


"Is it spider crab?"


"Is it star crab?"


"Is it uhh... crab cake?"


"Is it any kind of crab?"

"Still no."


I could hear America sit down into a chair behind me and start laughing in a iconic silly way. I smiled a little when he got done, he sure did find he's humour amazing, I wouldn't want to break he's joy in that by telling him he's not funny.

Looking at the clock I sit the dish inside the oven, shut the lid and turn it on, stepping back to look at my work making sure it was fine. Feeling satisfied I take off my cooking gloves, set them on the counter and with a nod I walk back into the living room for the time being.

America follows me in there quite fast, and before I can even fix my spot on the couch he's already sitting on he's side. Apparently my side is next to the kitchen door, and he's to the window. "That food looks kinda European, you made it before?" He asks, sounding more genuinely interested then I would normally give him credit for. "Only a few times, I'm not very used to this kind of food, it has diary in it and that's a little unusual for me, and also I already bought some milk for you before you ask." America giggled a little like a kid. "Sure do know me huh. And you Asians with your no dairy policy, ha!" He laughs a few more time innocently, internally I would be roiling my eyes, but that was a very rude thing to do. "We may avoid it, but at least we eat a logical amount of food." "Oh, you got me there!" He poked he's own stomach jokingly. Really it probably looked fine under there, I mean- that one time we when to the beach on a yearly trip in America's North Carolina, he looked very fine in- No wait, that's a horrid way of wording it, I'm sorry.

Right now it had just gotten dark, little bugs where singing outside during their constant battle in the night. The sky till held onto the little light that was left to see. And there was almost a smell of rain outside like it was getting ready. Nonchalantly America reached over and turned on the tv as I got up from the couch, knowing I was leaving. "When I get out it will be time to take the food out, so try to wait. I'm sorry." I said at the bottom of the stairs. America nodded glancing at me then back to the tv, he was already looking bored, which was a bad sign with him. "Sure, I'll survive somehow. Enjoy your bath." I nodded, thanked him then when upstairs and got myself a towel soap, set out my clothes on my little bed and locked the bathroom door shut.

The bath in this house wasn't terribly large for modern day standards, but I still remember when bathing in a barrel was a amazing opportunity, and it's not like it's a community pool. It worked just fine. Though it had a tub and a shower I just took a bath, not being a fan of showers anyway. While not being sure how long it took, I got out of the bath eventually, dried myself and my hair then brushed it out. I put on a black t-shirt and blue genes, the typical clothes people where casually now a days. When I opened the bathroom door all the cold outside air blown on me suddenly, and I had to cover my arms as I walked down the stairs barefoot, feeling refreshed and uncomfortable at the same time. 

When I got to the bottom I saw America almost asleep on the couch, but when I walked into he's line of sight a little bit away from the stairs he's eyes fluttered open and moved up a little, he looked surprisingly gentle for how he normally acts. "Heyyy.." America starts, almost with a yawn but holding it back. "You took forever Japan." "I'm sorry." I say quietly as I sit to the other end of the couch. Apparently he had been laying there on he's side so long that even mine had he's warmth stuck in it. I leaned into it like a hug. "Nah, it's ok. Ahh.." America leaned back into where he sits, ah, he seemed so peaceful. "Mhm, right.." I lean into the couch more and pull my legs in cross legged, as America slacked he's head as I did to along with him.


This was a short chapter, next one will be a lot longer like over 1000. Hopefully even more then that. I just need to skip to America's perspective.

 I just need to skip to America's perspective

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