🤍❤️Chapter 2❤️🤍

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America point of view (do I have to tell you or is that just proper fanfiction manors?)

Mhm, really the drive didn't FEEL like a hour long, but apparently it was a hour and 24 minutes long according to Japan. He drove the hole time out and had been keeping track of the time apparently with a wrest watch, when I first stepped out of the car from the driver seat he said. "It's been 1 hour and 24 minutes since we've left the airport. Sorry I should have went faster after we where out of town and in the woods." Nodding at he's words I streak my long back with a yawn. "Nah, it's no problem. Didn't even notice bro." As he starts to get out I look down at the top of the car below me. Really I know Japanese cars can be small compared to mine sometimes but this was probably a me problem, if you could call it a problem... "I'll show you inside, uh please." Japan said standing next to me, I nod and start walking behind him, God he's too slow. 

Opening the front door after meddling with the keys for a bit, he shown he the bottom of the house with great attention to detail, something I never could manage. The house was two stories tall but was still every small with it. The bottom floor had a living room and a kitchen, the kitchen seemed bigger and full of more stuff then the living room did, with many cooking supplies most likely more then half of them Japan got himself, the floor was seemingly not as new as the rest of the house, older and more worn out, the color of the place was very light grayish yellow, calming really. The living room had a normal sized tv, a couch and several games and movies next to it, all of which where Japan's that he brought here, the games where only for one console which was the game cube. Overall pretty small cute rooms.

As I was following Japan, my mind really turned to just how much taller I was then him. It was almost funny really. Of course he was slightly shorter then the average man in my country, not sure about here, Japanese people often come off small to me but I'm not sure just how much shorter they are to mine. And I know my height difference to other countries is purely based on how large my land is, but sometimes it's not hard to wonder if others are freaked out by my size. Sometimes I wonder if I lost a large amount of land would something happen to my body, God forbid that happen, but still it's just a thought. One time I told England about it, and he asked me if something was happening, so I probably won't go to him for advice again anytime soon.

After showing me all of the downstairs, Japan turned around at the front of the short stairs and started walking up, it seemed like he was about to grab my hand as he went but missed or something, he's done stuff like that before, just go ahead and do it or don't do it all at, weird dude. Anyway but halfway up the stairs I noticed just how narrow the walls where, my broad shoulders barely could fit though them. And when we got to the top I fell out of there with a 'ah!' Which Japan seemingly took notice of. "Oh, I didn't think of your size, I'm sorry I should have picked a different house." Rubbing my back I respond. "Yeah.. hey how did you even pick this place anyway? The internet or something?" "Well yes," Japan laid most of he's weight on one hip as he spoke. "I did find it on the internet, it was on a list for houses that where up for vacation near the woods, I didn't mean for it to be this small, I just didn't want to take up a house that was too big when a larger group of people could be using it." A smile came to my face at that, probably a embarrassing one too. That was such a kind way of thinking, and he said it so casually too, he's so much more nice then I ever thought in the past. "Ha, yeah.." quickly trying to get rid of my silly happy face I turn it into my more normal smile, the one England would call ' inpimproper' or just flat out stupid. "I get it bro, no problem. So how many rooms are there up here?" Japan's face kinda cringed a little, which may have had something to do with there only being two doors up here, actually tentically only one room had a door. "When I rented the place, I thought there was two rooms in the house, bedrooms I mean. But apparently they meant two rooms upstairs instead." "So your saying there's one bedroom and a bathroom?" "Yes..." Oh no, this can't be good at all. Japan doesn't enjoy sleeping anywhere near other people, even in a war. We couldn't ever sleep next to each other in the same room, that would make he's vacation a lot less good for him. Knowing him he'll say he'll sleep in the living room. "I'll sleep in the living room America, you can have the bedroom." Fucking called it didn't I? "No no no!" I said waving my hand, I know I didn't say it that loud but regardless Japan stepped back one. "I'll sleep down stairs, you paid for this place it's fine." "I insist you sleep in the bedroom, please I would feel better if you did." "No, dude come on. I don't care where I sleep at all, and your more, huh-" he gave me a strange look and I turned my head. "Never mind, but I'm still sleeping downstairs!" I was gonna say weaker, but that would have been like crazy rude! "...America please, it isn't a big deal I have plenty of blankets I can use-" "Dude, at this point I'll sleep down there even if you do!" I said with a laugh, though he still looked defeated and nodded. "If that's what you want, then ok." He walked off into the bedroom, telling me to stay there a moment, and when he came back he had two blankets and one pillow in he's hands. "If you want to sleep down there, then there's a coach.. but! If you ever have a hard time sleeping, we can switch places." I nod and take the blankets and pillow, deemed the winner. "Please, I mean it." "Sure, but I won't because I've slept on worse places before, let me tell ya, sleeping on a hamik makes me miss home, but beats the grass alright!" Japan nodded, leaning into the wall looking more relaxed. "I understand. But your not at war right now, your on vacation, and I would like you to feel like it." I wave my free hand at him and in the process almost drop my pillow. "Ha, let's go down stairs then, before dinner." Japan nods and we turn back around into the cramped stairs again, making me wonder why he even brought me up there.

We sat down on the couch together on opposite ends. My stuff still on my lap as we spoke, I kinda felt like a lady sitting there, like a more honorable woman who always wore long fine kept dresses, I kinda miss when women wore dresses all the time, it's more of a church thing now huh. "That settles everything then." Japan said, he's hands resting on he's lap, it always took him a while to get comfortable when he was in any kind of new place or conversation, he was a little closed off compared to other countries I know, but that almost makes him more.. uh, desirable? Ew that sounds wrong.

"Mhm, I don't know what to say, gosh." I laughed, Japan nodded in understatement. "Well, what's been on your mind America? Anything going on since last we met in person?" I leaned back some. "Nah, not much. War in the middle east is about the same, I mean things have changed but only in a way that stays the same. Ya know?" Japan nods. "I mean, when I think about it I feel like I'm European or something! It's just sooo, political sometimes. I mean it's real out there but... it's not like the Mexican American war, or 1808. I don't know." He got what I was saying, I went on about how I feel about wars, of course there kind of is a touchy area in that topic, politics too sometimes. But it's not out of distant anymore, hasn't been for a long time. It's been over 100 years. "Mhm, to me, more resent wars have been less.. scary then older ones, any one with China in it was horrifying..." I nod, but I can tell he's mind went too right before WW2, or at the start depending on your opinion, when he's people brutally attacked and murdered hundreds of innocent Chinese people, spastic I know but he hasn't seemed to forgive himself for that, he opened but about that once a long time ago... wanting to steer the conversation away from that before he's mind stays on it, I say. "What do you think about your more modern uniforms Japan? Like em?" Looking back into my eyes he almost smiles, that topic was almost always a country's favorite, something to take pride in. "Yes, I'm very found of how mine look right now, there very formal and practical." He's eyes sort of looked off from me into some distance. "Normally I've always been more of a fan of the navy, and how they looked. But the general army is looking very nice right now, though they sometimes look a lot like your soldiers." He said with a smile. "Yeah, that's the problem with making the best uniforms." I said leaning back. "When everyone copies you everyone looks the same." Amazingly Japan rolled he's eyes, a feet for him, and says. "I don't mind looking like you, America." ... huh, he kinda starred a long time, so did I. He had a very friendly smile on, but he's eyes first made me very comfortable, then suddenly uncomfortable, it was really weird, must have been me though. A nodded then looked away at the tv in the room which was turned off. "Mhm, I'm hungry man, you said you wanted to make dinner before right?" Japan looked down and then nodded, "I did, it's already late for me to start, I'll get to work on that." He stood up and started making he's way over to the near by kitchen, standing up I start to follow him. "Yeah, cool." Judging by the tools that where already laid out long before I got here, I'd say he had something special in mind, which either meant it was going to be really really good or really really weird. I'd swear Japan will eat anything that swims!


Wow, last chapter was 400 words or something, and this is 1870, nice! Wrote a lot when the internet was off, anyway I want this is be Japan's outfit for the next chapter, but only the next one then.

Wow, last chapter was 400 words or something, and this is 1870, nice! Wrote a lot when the internet was off, anyway I want this is be Japan's outfit for the next chapter, but only the next one then

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Cute huh? Ok now that that is done, I'm gonna sleep. Later.

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