Chapter 1: A New Day

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Here we go again, another day where trying to sleep was just a failure. I kept having nightmares from my previous job, I wish they would've told me sooner this is how it was gonna be. Remembering that man who was probably looking for me after what I did, especially when I lied to him about who I was. I know they said he was in jail but it was hard for me to believe, I knew he is going to be back. I sighed, I moved out of the bed and went to the bathroom so I could take a cold shower. After I was done with my regular routine, I put on a light blue shirt with a black blazer along with some pants and shoes, I brushed my hair and left the room. On the way to work I bought a coffee and entered the building. Today is my first day at the BAU. I walked to the chief's office, Aaron Hotchner was written on the name tag at the door. I knocked twice and I heard his voice saying "Come in".

- You must be Emily, it's good to have you with us.- we shook hands and took a folder, walking towards the door he made me follow him.- Part of the team is already waiting for instructions, St. Louis called us to assist them with two killers. Unbelievable.

When we entered the room, a skinny guy with glasses and long hair smiled at us while the old guy just nod at us.

- Guys this is Emily Prentiss, she will be joining us from now on. I know Elle left us not long ago but we were down one man or in this case, one woman.- Hotch looked at me and pointed at the skinny guy.- That is Dr. Spencer Reid and that one over there is Jason Gideon.- he pointed at the old guy.

- It's great to be here.- I simply said with a little smile and sat down in one of the chairs close to Reid. Before Hotch could say anything else, two other people entered the room. A tall guy who clearly goes to the gym daily was laughing at something with someone behind him and when he move a little to the side... That's when I saw her. She was laughing with the guy and looked at the room to look for a place to sit. That's when our eyes connected for a second but it felt longer than that, after giving me a smile she sat in front of me.

- Guys this is Emily Prentiss, Emily this Derek Morgan.- pointed at the guy who smiled at me and then Hotch pointed at her. Her beautiful blue eyes were focused on me while she smiled.- And this is Jennifer Jareau.

- It's a pleasure to meet you, Emily.- she said still with that smile on her face. I could hear Hotch explaining the case on the background so I decided to break my staring contest with Jennifer to pay attention to my boss. I could still feel her eyes on me and it kinda made me smile but I had to focus on the case so I ignored her.

- Wheels up in 30.- said Hotch and everybody stand up to look for their ready bag for the trip, I stayed behind while I was gathering my folder with the case. I felt someone standing beside me and when I look up, Jennifer was looking at me with a little smile.

- It's good to have you on the team.- she said and I smiled at her.- I go by JJ around here, I don't enjoy being called Jennifer.

- I'll keep that in mind. Come on, we have a plane to catch.- she nodded at me we start our way towards our desks to get our bags. Without loosing more time we made our way to the plane.

During the flight our technical analyst called with more information about the case, apparently there was another murder from one of the killers. It was already hard enough having one killer but two? Great.

- JJ and Emily will go to the recent crime scene, Morgan and Reid go to the morgue. Gideon and I will go to the police station to settle everything.- Said Hotch and everyone nodded. As soon as we landed, JJ and I took one of the SUVs and drive to crime scene, we were quiet during the whole trip. I could feel JJ's eyes on me a couple times while I was driving but I wanted to be focus on the road.

- You've been quiet, are you ok?.- JJ asked and I looked at her. She was right, I was being an asshole towards everybody, just answering when it was necessary and just ignoring after that.- I know I'm not the most interesting person on the world but I can be good company.

She joked a little and I smiled.

- Sorry I'm just tired, I didn't sleep very well.- I said and she just nodded, I could see she was a little worried but I simply walked away to one of the forensics.- What do we have?

- The victim was shot once on the back, her name is Melanie Thomas. She is a prostitute.- explained the guy and I nodded, he took a newspaper that was close to the victim and gave it to me.- He also left this on the scene.

- He is leaving us messages?.- JJ asked and I observed the newspaper, there was nothing special about it and it didn't look like something was written on it.- Come on, let's tell the team.

When we got to the station Hotch and Gideon were staring at the board with the crimes, JJ and I entered the conference room catching Hotch's attention. We told him what we found and also showed him the newspaper. Later on Morgan entered the room with Reid, it took us hours to gather the clues to create the profile but at the end we figured out. The killers were sending messages to each other, at the beginning one of them was messaging like a fan but he wanted fame so he started to kill with a different motive. That of course made the other killer upset, he killed prostitutes because he didn't care much about women thanks to his mom. Explaining the profile to the police officers they put an alert so people can be aware and be be careful with these killers. At this time there was nothing else to do, just wait for their next move.

Hotch told us that it was better to wait at the hotel since it was late by the time we delivered the profile, so now I was alone in my hotel room. I didn't want to admitted but JJ was on my mind which it was bad because I didn't want to get attached to anybody but of course she was making it hard. She was just trying to be nice the whole day but I was just a completely asshole and she didn't deserved that. A soft knocked on my door made me get out of my head and stared at the door, I wasn't expecting anybody.

What if it was Doyle?

- Em, are you awake? It's JJ.- she said on the other side of the door and I sighed. I went to open the door and when I did she gave me a little smile.- Hi.

- Hi.- I moved to the side to let her in.- What are you doing here?

- I don't know, I was kinda bored at my room.- she sat down on the bed and looked at me.- I just want this case to be over.

- Me too. Having to serial killers to catch it's exhausting.- I said and sat down next to her.- I wanted to apologize for how I was during the day. I'm not used to work on a team.

- It's ok, you'll see that we are fun.- we both smiled and stared at each other for a moment until she broke our staring contest.- I better go. It's late and we'll probably have a long day tomorrow.

I followed her to the door.

- Good night, Emily.- she said with a smile.

- Good night, JJ.- I smiled back at her and closed the door.

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