Chapter 6: Different feelings

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Emily did keep her promise, she still is around me but also around Seaver. It's getting kinda annoying, it's been weeks and they spend a lot of time together. Emily is supposed to be all mine, right? She's my best friend. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and when I turned around Emily was staring at me with a smile.

- You're quiet, what are you thinking about?.- she sat on the desk in front of me and I just gave her a soft smile.

- I just thought of Will, we are fighting right now. It's all good, it just hard having a distance relationship.- I told her not exactly a lie, that's been happening lately. He wants me to move with him but I can't leave my job or this team and he has to understand it. I looked behind Emily and Seaver was walking towards us with Reid. I rolled my eyes and Emily noticed.

- Hey guys!.- Reid said and I smiled at him, ignoring Seaver.- Wanna grab Chinese with us? I got better at the chopsticks! Morgan explained it to me better.

- Sure! I want to go.- I answered and looked at Emily.

- I'm sorry Spence, Ashley and I already have plans tonight but I'll go next time!.- he just nodded with a small smile and walked away. Ashley gave Emily a smiled and I stop myself from growling at that.- Hey JJ, do you mind if I have a few minutes alone with Ashley?

I didn't say anything, I was really mad right now. I simply walked away in direction to Garcia's office, shutting the door behind me.

- Oh wow, are you ok? You seem... mad.- She said and walked towards me.

- Yeah it's just Will, we're fighting that's all.- I sat down and stared at my phone, I had some messages from Will which I decided to ignore. Garcia sat in front of me.

- You know, I'm kinda glad Ashley is here. She's making Emily happy, they've been sneaking around. I was spying on them, I got it wrong the first time but this time it's totally obvious. They like each other.- she seemed proud and I rolled my eyes, Emily is not gay and even if she did... Why would she like Seaver?

- What do you mean the first time?.- I asked and she nervously laughed. I just stared at her.

- Ok ok... At first I thought she liked you. My gaydar told me she is totally into girls and I mean she gave you looks and was also worried when she wasn't talking to you but I guess she was more concerned because you were her friend and stuff.- she explained and I stayed quiet. Emily liking me more than friends? What if I feel the same way? What if that's why I'm pulling away from Will?

But... I'm not gay.

- I... I think I need to talk to somebody or I'll go crazy.- I said and she stared at me but just before I could say anything, the door open and Hotch came in.

- We have a case, girls. Come on.- he said and I nodded. All three of us head it to the conference room. I sat next to Emily who gave me a soft smile.- There has been three murderers in New Orleans on the past month and the police department needs our help, once we land, JJ and I are going to talk to the sheriff. Emily and Seaver go to the crime scene and see what the CSI found out. Reid and Morgan go to the morgue and see if the other victims have any evidence that can help us. Garcia you will stay here and investigate for any information about the victims and call us once you get anything.- we all nodded as he finished.- Wheels up in 30. JJ, can I talk to you for a sec?

I nodded and everybody left the room but us.

- I heard that you and Will aren't in the best place right now, are you ok? You're going to see him and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.- Hotch was always caring when it's about his team and I really appreciated that, I wasn't in the mood to see Will right now.- I can switch you with any of the others.

- Thank you Hotch but I'm ok, let's just work on the case. I'll talk to Will later.- I assured him and he nodded so we went to take our go bags, Emily was on her desk, she was already looking at Hotch's office and once he leave to do something else, she approached me.

- Everything alright?.- she was concerned and I smiled a little.

- Yeah, he was just asking me about Will but I'm fine.- we both smiled and made our way to the plane. Once in New Orleans, Hotch and I went to the police station and Will wasn't there.

- Thank you for coming I have a conference room where you guys can set up and a board that you can use.- the Sheriff said and we nodded at him, we headed to the room and started to see what evidence we have. Reid and Morgan joined us an hour later with more information from Garcia and the other victims. We found out that this killer had type for the blondes and low risk women, all of them where killed at their homes when their husbands left for work. Emily and Seaver came half an hour later and we all worked on the evidence from the case, after hours decided to go to the hotel to get some rest.

- Hey JJ.- I turned around and Will was at the door, everybody in the room leave us alone and he closed the door behind him.- You didn't call.

- We were busy with the case, sorry.- I simply said and he sighed.

- I know we're on a distance relationship but even when we're together it doesn't feel like it. What's going on?.- he asked and took a sit in front of me.

- I'm just busy. I... I might want to take some time, to think and stuff.- I slowly said and he just looked at me.

We were quiet for long minutes until he stand up.

- Is there someone else?.- he asked.- Tell me the truth, please.

- There's no one else I just think we need a break, figure things out.- I said and he sighed without saying anything he simply left the room. I felt bad, he didn't deserved this and I didn't even know why I did this. It's confusing what's happening to me.

I also realized I have to take a cab to the hotel.

I picked up my stuff and headed out, I walked out of the doors of the police station and Emily was standing there.

- Need a ride?.- she smiled at me and I smiled back, she waited for me.- I figured you were gonna need it.

- Thanks Em.- we both enter the suv and Emily drove to the hotel, on the way we were both quiet just the music the background.

Once at the hotel we both headed to our rooms.

- Thanks again for the ride.- I said with a smiled and she smiled back at me.

- Anytime, JJ. Everything alright?.- she asked and I looked down.- Hey you don't have to tell me right now, go get some rest, ok?

- Thank you, goodnight Emily.- I gave her a hug.

- Goodnight, JJ.- we separated from each other and went into our rooms, once I touched the bed I fell in love instantly.

N/A: Merry Christmas! I hope you guys have a good one :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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