Chapter 5

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Thursday 01:34am

'I think I'm going to kill Regina.' I whispered to Emily as we stood outside the house in our pyjamas.

'Me too. At least we're in shorts instead of night gowns.'

'I don't wear night gowns, that's your thing.'

'Right, what do you think they'll make us do?'

'We're about to see.' I nodded to where Regina was heading towards us.

'Okay ladies, tonight we're going to clean the bathrooms...' There was a collective grown, 'At the Alpha Chi Rho house.'

'No way, screw this and screw you. I'm out.' The red haired girl fumed and walked off.

'Be out by noon bitch.' Regina said like it didn't bother her. 'As for the rest of you, it's the dark blue house. Go on they know you're coming.'

By the time we got to the door most of the girls were whining about the chore, I don't really get the big deal. They're just bathrooms, god. We were set into groups of two and told to each find a bathroom to clean, I grabbed Emily and we wondered into a random person's room so we could get to their bathroom.

'It's not that bad in here.' I said turning on the bathroom light after Em shut the door.

'Did you see who was in the bedroom!?'

'No, why would I care?'

'Because it's Michael and Willy!'

'You picked this room on purpose didn't you.'


I rolled my eyes, 'I know you're dying to talk to him, go on. Knock something over and accidentally wake him up so you can chat.'

'Good idea, is it too much if I fall on his bed?'

'Way too much, just bump into him.' I laughed.

'Thanks, oh, what about cleaning?'

'I got it.'

She hugged me, 'Love you!'

'You better.' I mumbled as she left.

I managed to clean the dry toothpaste off the basin and scrub the tiles above the bath before the door opened.

'Back so soon, Em?'

I turned to swat her with my cloth but it wasn't Emily.

'Oh, hi Michael.'

'Hey, so are you ever going to apologize for ditching me and leaving me to pay everyone's bill?'

'I didn't know you were left with the bill but I am really sorry, it was a hazing thing.'

He stepped closer boxing me in between him, a wall ant the basin. Although it was more of a triangle... Whatever.

'No one's ever ditched me before.'


'Why'd you do it?'

'Because I really wanna be in Kappa kappa Gamma.' I shrugged and he moved closer.

'I think you just couldn't handle me. I mean look at you now, you look like you're about to have a panic attack because I'm so close.'

'Is there something wrong with wanting my personal space?'

'When you're around me, yes.' He moved even closer so his body pressed against mine.

'Move back.'

'No, I don't think I will.'

'Move!' I demanded as my breathing hitched in panic.


'Please move.'


'B-because I asked you to.'

'That's not a very good reason.'

'How about this.' I kneed him in his crotch.

'Shit.' It came out strangled as he grasped his area and fell to the floor, curling up.

'I'm sorry I did that but I didn't like what you were doing and you wouldn't move away.'

'Bitch.' He muttered in a pained voice. I won't hold that comment against him since he's hurting.

I stepped over him and into the bedroom, 'Emily, we're leaving and uh, William, you may want to check on Michael.'


'Just check on him.' I pulled Emily along behind me as we left.

'What happened?' She grumbled as soon as we were back In our sorority house.

'I kneed him in the balls.'


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