Chapter 13

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I was woken by a something heavy landing on my stomach, 'WAKE UP RON!'

'Ugh Bella, why?' I moaned.

'Happy birthday Ronny!' She was hugging me through my duvet.

'What time is it- Oh hello?' I realized William, Emily, Michael and Ryan were all standing around my bed.

'Happy birthday and nice pajamas's by the way.' Michael smirked.

My Little Pony PJ's...

'Hey, I think they're cool.' William said before chuckling.

'Happy 19th birthday little sis.' Ryan said and kissed my cheek.

'Thanks Ryan so... Who was behind the wake-up call?'

They all pointed to Emily who took a bow and flipped me off when Bella wasn't looking.

'Hey!' I scolded.

'Can you open presents now?' Bella grumbled.

'Only if you get off my lap.' I teased.

She quickly hopped off and shoved a messily wrapped pink and orange paper package into my hands, 'Here, mine first!'

'Okay.' I carefully opened it and found a drawing of what I assume is me. 'Wow! Bella I love it!'

I hugged her and watched a huge smile cover her face, 'Will you put it up?'

'Definitely!' I reached over to my bedside table, grabbed some press studs and handed them to William nodding towards the cork board across my room, 'Could you?'

'Sure.' He handed me a slim blue box, 'Open it while I stick this up.'

I lifted the lid to find a Guns 'n Roses CD album.

'Holy crap, you got me a signed Guns 'n Roses CD!?'

'Yeah well, I saw you wear a shirt with the logo on it so I figured you'd like it.'

'I love it!'

'Great.' He smiled and wrapped an arm around Emily who handed me a red box.

'I've always wanted a polaroid camera!' I squealed when I'd ripped the paper off.

'I knew you'd like it.'

'Of course you did.'

'Right, mine next.' Ryan picked up a huge box from the floor and dumped it on my lap.

'Ow, jerk.'

'Just open it.'

I ripped off the top and snorted out a laugh, Seriously?' It was filled with chocolate bars, there were tons of them.


'How many did you get!?'

'One hundred and fifty four.' He smirked.

'Why that number exactly?'

'I asked Bella to pick a number.' He smirked.

'That's normal.' I closed up the box and pushed it off my lap since it was heavy.

'I got you something.' Michael handed me a gift bag, guess he's not too into wrapping paper.

It was a beautiful, soft leather jacket with sharp studs near the collar and wrists. It had silver zips and a streamline cut, perfect for me.

'I love it.' I whispered slipping it on over my pajamas.

He leaned forward to give me a hug and whispered in my ear, 'Figured you'd need it if you wanna come along when I'm racing.' He said it low enough that no one else could hear.

'I'm definitely coming with you again.' I whispered back.

'So who wants to go swimming!?' Ryan roared.


I lay back against my deck chair, eyes trailed on Bella as she played in the pool. I knew Ryan was right behind her ready to act if anything went wrong, Emily and William were also in the pool with her so nothing bad could happen.

'You look like you're stressed, isn't this break supposed to be for relaxing?' Michael asked from his chair next to me.

'Sorry, I always get a little tense when Bella's in the pool since she can't swim very well.'

'Hey, I get it but I promise she's safe.'

I smiled at him, 'You're right.'

He smirked, 'I'm always right.'

I rolled my eyes and poked his chin.

He chuckled and ignored me as I played with the little ties on my bikini. Emily convinced me to wear the tiny black two piece, the top was a single black strapless strip of material connected in front by a thick gold ring. The bottom was just as small with gold ties on each side.

'You know your bikini looks like underwear, skimpy underwear.' Michael teased.

'Emily made me wear it and you know that so don't start.'

'Okay, okay I'll shut up if show me where I can find some chips, your kitchen has about a thousand cupboards.'

'Come on.' I took his hand and led him through the house.

'Ryan stashes all the junk foods up here so Bella can't get at it.' I reached for the high cupboard and managed to just gaze the tips of my fingers against the bottom of the door.

'Can't reach.'

'No.' I grumbled.

He came up behind me and opened the door, grabbing a bag of crisps. 'Shorty.'

I turned around and ended up chest to chest with him, 'I- I'm not short.'

A sly smirk covered his face, 'Are you nervous or something?'


'I think you are.' He grinned and leaned closer.

'I'm not.' I realized his hands were on the counter on either side of me.

'Oh really?'

The sound of a car speeding up the gravel driveway and skidding to a stop.

'Yes and who the hell is that.'

I ducked under his arm and marched towards my front door hearing Michael follow me.

'Uh, Ronny, you're wearing practically nothing!' He reminded.

'And I'm at home.'

The front door opened just before I reached it and I felt Michael wrap a protective arm around me as the man strode in.

My eyes widened, 'Daddy?'

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