Chapter 8

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Leaving Mr Matthew's class I spotted Michael sitting on the floor outside the door, 'What're you still doing here?'

'Waiting for you.'

'Yeah, well... thanks.' I muttered the last word.

'What?' He stood up, confused.

'Thanks for helping me last night even though I could have handled it myself.'

'Is that supposed to be an apology?'

'Yeah and just saying next time, you don't need to step in.'

'Those guys were drunk, they could have raped you and you'd be stuck.'

I glared at him, 'I can handle myself.'

'Yeah right, you're just some good little girl who can't even take help graciously.'

'Forget what you thought 'cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.'

I turned and walked away from him to end the conversation but being the ass that he is, Michael followed me down to the parking lot where the convertible my dad gave me was waiting. It was his way of saying sorry-I-was-too-busy-to-see-you-on-your-birthday.

'A yellow convertible?' He said in a mocking voice.

'It was my dad's way of making up for never being around, he still got it wrong though since I wanted a black astern martin.'

'Huh, you know cars?'


'Nothing that's just pretty cool for a girl. Let me show you something.' He gently took my hand and led me across the parking lot to a red mustang.

'No way, is this your car.'


'It's beautiful.' I mumbled. 'Can we go for a ride in it?'

He looked guilty, 'I kinda have somewhere to go but some other time.'

'Let me go with you.' I surprised myself with the bold words.

'It's not your scene.'

'How do you know what my scene really is?'

He raised an eyebrow, 'Get in before I regret it.'

'Yes sir.' I smirked hopping into the car.

'But don't say I didn't warn you.'


'You're in for a long ride.' And with that he turned on the radio so it blasted music cutting off conversation.


When Michael stopped the car on a long stretch of road an hour later I was about ready to die from the loud music he'd been blasting. There were a couple other high performance cars parked on the side of the deserted road, their drivers stood around talking and drinking.

'So where are we exactly?'

'A long way from your safe, happy little life.'

'Uh huh.'

'You scared?'


He raised an eyebrow at me, Do you even know what's going on here.'

'Drag racing.'

'Very good but this is where your little adventure ends. I'm gonna call you a cab.'


'Because it's dangerous and hellish illegal, so what do you think.'

'I think I wanna go for a ride.' I said full of confidence.

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