WTF Disney?!

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Yo! Disney corporation peoplez! Are your mouse ears on too tight? Have they cut off the circulation to your brains?! Listen to your fanbase! You either make a pirates film with Captain Jack or you get an angry mob! You can make a pirates film with...

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Yo! Disney corporation peoplez! Are your mouse ears on too tight? Have they cut off the circulation to your brains?! Listen to your fanbase! You either make a pirates film with Captain Jack or you get an angry mob! You can make a pirates film with Margot Robbie in it, I'm not gonna argue with that! Look at what she did with Harley Quinn! But put her alongside Captain Jack! You can add more female pirates, but we need our Captain! The Disney corporates NEED to take a page from Johnny's book! Johnny listens to his fan's and tries his best to give them what they want. He tries to give them something new and something to look forward to! Disney never listens to their fanbase! They throw a suitcase full of cash at the film producers and directors and say 'Here's your big budget and the rights to some of our characters! Make something to appease the fans!' Johnny actually cares, he knows their has to be some heart and soul put into  the story and the characters or people wouldn't like it! That's why we need him! That's why we need more people like him in the film industry! #NoJohnnyNoPirates! ☠😘💋❤

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