Proof Of Justice Corruption!

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By now, most of you have heard that Judge Andrew Nicol ruled against Johnny in the court case against the Sun tabloid, in which Ambitch Whore-d was involved, but only as a witness. Right away, all of us knew something was f**ky with the verdict. Johnny came to court in July with a tidal wave of evidence, including audio recordings, security footage, sworn testimonies from employees and L.A police officers and much, much more. All the while, Ambitch couldn't keep her stories straight, contradicting herself time and time again.

The internet has since waged war against Ambitch, while praising  Johnny for his bravery and admiring him for standing his ground in the face of adversity. He's become a legend for not just us Deppheads, but for all victims of abuse.

And as the internet learns the truth and takes Johnny's side, new research has been done. Research that proves how Judge Andrew Nicol could've been corrupted in his ruling.

Exhibit A:

This isn't the first time Nicol screwed up a case

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This isn't the first time Nicol screwed up a case. Another innocent man almost went to jail for Manslaughter because of him! Justice Nicol was the judge in the trial of a consultant surgeon named David Sellu in November of 2013. Mr. Sellu was found guilty of gross negligence manslaughter following the death of a patient under his care. He served 15 months of his 30 month prison sentence. After release Sellu appealed against the conviction and was finally successful in 2016. The grounds for his success were that Justice Nicol had failed to instruct the jury properly with regard to the meaning of the charge. The jury had returned to court before reaching their verdict seeking further guidance, which was not forthcoming from Justice Nicol. In other words, Judge Nicol half-assed a case and an innocent man had to suffer for it! Let's hope Johnny will be just as lucky in his appeal of the case too.

Exhibit B:

Exhibit B:

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Judge Nicol is from the same barristers chamber as Ambitch's lawyer! Another possibility of corruption!

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Judge Nicol is from the same barristers chamber as Ambitch's lawyer! Another possibility of corruption!

Exhibit C:

Exhibit C:

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Judge Nicol's son works alongside the men in charge of the Sun Tabloid

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Judge Nicol's son works alongside the men in charge of the Sun Tabloid. Another reason Judge Nicol would throw out the case!

Once again everyone, let's take Johnny's advice. Let's stay strong, keep the support for Johnny and his family coming and hang in there.

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