Post-It Note Reminders

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Here's another great way to give yourself little boosts of confidence throughout the day.

We always have things we are insecure about or things we wish we could change. Unfortunately, the only thing we can do with our insecurities is learn to love them. This is much easier said than done, but it is possible.

You also have to remember that there are also parts of you that others wish they had! You might have beautiful eyes, or an amazing gift for connecting with others, or the ability to draw incredibly.

Whatever you possess, in your looks or personality, you have to learn to love.

Leading on to this self-love challenge, you will need some post-it notes and a pen.

What you need to do is write on every note is something you like about yourself.

You may be able to find many things. If you can, well done! That's awesome!

If you can't, and find it difficult, maybe get others to write it for you, such as your siblings or friends. If you don't want to ask anyone who you know, that is perfectly okay.

We are here as well. You can always pm us and we will give you some reminders of how unique you are!

Lastly, stick the post-it notes all around your house or room. Stick them on wardrobes, in drawers, underneath a pile of books.

Throughout the day you will see them and read reminders to yourself about how great you are.

You are beautiful.

You are enough.

You are so funny.

Your smile is so pretty.

I hope this helps you in your self-love journey <3

I hope this helps you in your self-love journey <3

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