Dealing with depression.

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Ever felt like nothing matters, or lost a general interest in your life, as if all you feel is an exhausting sadness.

If you feel this or see it in one of your friends and family members, it can possibly be depression.

Depression is a mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.

But I don't think of it as a disorder, neither should you, it's just something which people feel sometimes, and there's no reason for it to take up half your time. To me depression is an overwhelming lack of emotion towards things definitely not a disorder and it should not be something that makes you or anyone feel useless.

If you see this in yourself you may have depression.

Feeling such as:
anxiety, apathy, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, or sadness

Some depression enduced behaviour's:

agitation, excessive crying, irritability, restlessness, or social isolation
Sleep: early awakening, excess sleepiness, insomnia, or restless sleep.

They are some things you can do to improve your depression, things such as:

1. Don't be alone too often.

Talk to someone, socialize even if you don't feel like it. Talk to somebody you know will make you feel better, it doesn't even have to be about your depression the general sense that someone cares about you, will make you feel better.

2. Do something you like to do.

Doing things you enjoy, whether you don't feel like it or not, I know you can't force yourself to be happy and you won't be immediately better, but you'll slowly feel more upbeat and energetic.

3. Get up girl.

Get out of bed, life feels better when your not couped up feeling unhappy, so get up try exercising do something active. Trust me this will lift up your mood.

4. Eat healthy or on a balanced diet.

Don't skip meals, no matter how tempting, and eat less sugar or refined carbs, remember your body is a temple and I'd like you to keep it that way.

5. Expose your self to sunlight.

Go outside. Feel the sun rays on your skin, it helps. Open a window let the sun in or take a walk it will surely get you up and adam again.

6. Think happy thoughts.

No that wasn't supposed to sound corny, seriously don't go around thinking negative thoughts. Your not a failure, Your not an idiot, and your definetly nothing less than a miracle, you should know that.

7. Seek some professional help.

These things I've listed may help, but that doesn't mean you or anyone shouldn't talk to somebody professional. It will help you.

Thanks for reading, it was an honor trying to help you and I hope these helped you and you keep going!😁

Thanks for reading, it was an honor trying to help you and I hope these helped you and you keep going!😁

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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