32. Afternoon - Friday, April 16th - Tree Hill, NC

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Sorry its been so long since I've updated. My computer crashed and I had to replace it.  I hope you enjoy this chapter. Its light and fluffy. Any story recomendations please put down in the comment section.


Mia is getting better, thank god. She hates therapy, I know she does. She hates the therapy we go to and then the physical therapy she has to go to for her arm to regain strength. She's muttered once or twice about being cursed. About Tree Hill being cursed.

"You know at this point I can write my own autobiography about high school," I turned my head to look at Mia as I drove through Tree Hill. "Seriously, I'll call it The Conspiracy against Ravens."

"Conspiracy?" I questioned as I parked the car at Nathans house.

"Yeah, a conspiracy," she said as she hopped out. We walked towards the front door which was opened by Peyton.

"Took you long enough," she said with a smile. We walked in and made our way towards the backyard.

"She's going to write a book and name it The Conspiracy against Ravens," I stated before giving Peyton a kiss. We walked to the back and she smiled.

"Why a conspiracy?" Peyton asked as she picked up her cup of lemonade.

"What?" Brooke asked. Peyton motioned towards Mia.

"Mia," Mia turned to look at us. "Why, A Conspiracy against Ravens?"

"Because a group of ravens is,"

"An Unkindness," Haley finished.

"Or a conspiracy," Mia and I said at the same time.

"I could call it a Murder, but that's more for crows and cows and such," Mia said.

"A Conspiracy though?" Peyton questioned. Mia nodded.

"Yeah. The world has to be conspiring against his offspring," Mia shared. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Seriously. Everything that's happened to you, your family. Its literally like the world hates you. Like Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Yahweh, freaking Zeus, or Odin, whoever. It's like they have something against you. Either against you or against this hamlet."

"What does Shakespeare have to do with this?" Davis questioned.

"Hamlet is a small town," Sawyer and Mia explained.

"So, you think Tree Hill is cursed," Brooke said.

"And you don't?" Mia said looking at her.

"Literally nothing ever happened to me until I came to Tree Hill." Mia explained.

"You were in a car accident in New York," Sawyer stated.

"Yeah, after my stepfather found us in Tree Hill. He wasn't happy that I was here, in the same vicinity as Lucas," Mia explained. "Then I'm here, literally almost break my leg playing ball against Sawyer just so she'd stop beating on AJ."

Sawyer rolled her eyes, "Beating is a strong word, more like picking."

"Whatever, Then AJ and I are being stalked by some psycho, then the school goes on a lockdown because said Psycho wants to kill me and AJ. You really think this place isn't cursed somehow," Mia stated.

"So, all I'm hearing is that bad things happen in life," Nathan said.

"Bad things happen?" Mia looked at him, "Shit hits the fan in Tree Hill. Literally, By the time I graduate someone I know will die and I know this because why not make life even worse or more complicated than it already is."

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