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Fighting Ozai was terrifying.
What if he lost?
What would happen to not just his family but the world? So much was on his young shoulder's. On this fight alone. The fate of everything rested in his hands.

Ozai was even madder than his daughter. The heat of his fire, so much stronger cause of the comet passing over them, that Aang feared it'd burn his lungs just by breathing.
He didn't want to die.
He wanted a life. With her. With all of them.

Dodging the fire thrown at him,
Aang tossed rock's, air, water, anything he could at the twisted Phoenix King, trying to fight back.

Ozai was gaining the upper hand.
Driving the young Avatar back. Almost toying with him. Ozai never felt more powerful, he WOULD defeat the Air bender and then burn the rest of the world. He is unstoppable.
Shooting lightning at the boy, he was shocked to see him catch it and even more so, when instead of directing it back at him, he let it go towards the red sky.
Weak from never having redirecting lightning before, he fell to his knees.
Ozai seeing this, took his chance to blast a strong force fire at the Avatar.

Rushing to bend a wall of earth in front of him, the fire pushed him off the tower of rock, knocking him out.
Feeling himself falling, Aang woke up in time to pull water up to him to catch his fall, the wave carrying him to the land below.
Bringing himself to his feet, Aang looked up to see a very angry Ozai barreling towards him.
Turning to use the water to get away, coming to a stop further from the so called king,
Aang was forced to cover himself in rock to keep from burning, though he could still feel the unbearable heat, making him sweat.
Ozai laughed.
"You're weak! Just like the rest of your people! They did not deserve to exist in this world. In my world! Prepare to join them! Prepare to die!"
He was going to lose. He was going to die and so was his family.
The force of the fire pushed him backwards in the stones covering him. There was nothing he could do.
His heart threatened to beat out of his chest, he couldn't breathe and the rock was getting weaker with every blast Ozai threw.
"Come on out Avatar. You can't hide in there forever!" Ozais voice rang out.
Sending blast after blast at the rock holding his target. An evil smile on his twisted face, he gathered as much heat into one last shot of fire as he could, he sent it forward.
Just as the rock broke apart, Aang bent the air around forward to ward off the flame's, was tossed backwards....and the scar on his back, hit at just the right spot, on a rock sticking out.

Moving to bend over where he saw the sorry excuse for an Avatar fall, Ozai taunted him, so sure of his victory.

"Come on out little boy. You're about to be-"
And was cut off by a glowing hand busting through the rock, grabbing his goatee with surprising strength, the boy that he just knew would be easy to beat, jumped from the rock with glowing eyes.
Ozai felt real fear for the first time in his life.

Not about to be defeated by a child, Ozai made to hit him with fire once again, only to have his hand knocked away as if it was an annoying Spider-fly.

With the power of all his past lives pumping through his vains, Aang was able to force Ozai in a corner.
Bending all four elements at once,
a thousand voices rang out when the young Avatar spoke.

"Fire Lord Ozai! You and your forefathers have devastated the balance of the world. And now, you shall pay the ultimate price!"

With a battle cry that could bring even the bravest of men to their knees, the Avatar sent all the elements towards Ozai, ready to deal the killing blow.... but even in the Avatar state, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Letting go of the cosmic power, Aang landed with his back to Ozai. The elements fell to the ground around him as he lay there soaked and stunned.
Coming to his knees with his head down, he heard the boy speak.

"No, I'm not gonna end it like this" Aang spoke in his own voice.

"Even with all the power in the world, you are still weak" Ozai said.
And made to move to attack Aang.

Feeling the tremble from the movement (a trick his blind earthbending teacher taught him) Aang was able to bend the earth in time to catch Ozai before he was hit. Trapping Ozais hands forced him back, placing one hand on his chest and the other on the man's forehead, did what no one thought possible.

Took the once very powerful and terrifieing fire benders bending away. Leaving him what he hated the most.

He did it.
Aang saved the world without killing.

After putting out the fire that ruined the forest around them, Aang was met by his amazing friends.

Sokka was beyond overjoyed.
It was finally over! He had never known a world without war. And now it was over!

"You should have seen yourself Aang! You were all "papow! And " wack-chow! And he was all "ah! Uh oh ah!"
Shaking his head at his best friend, Aang just smiled.
Suki walked up to where the old Fire Lord lay and asked if he finished the job.

"I'm still alive" Ozai said falling on his face. Haha.

"I took his bending away" he said as if it was a normal thing.

Toph was the one who spoke since the others were too shocked.
"Where'd you learn that?"

"A giant lionturtle" Aang answered grinning.

"You have some crazy adventure's when you disappear Twinkle-toes" she said smiling back.

Full of hope that the world was finally at peace, the gang headed back to meet up with the other two. Not knowing that their new friend was badly hurt.

Another one down! Hope y'all like it so far.
Feedback is always welcome!

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