The Gang

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Ba Sing Se, the Jasmine Dragon.

Toph and Iroh

Spring had arrived at the now fully rebuilt city of Ba Sing Se.
Brewing tea at his shop, Iroh stepped away from the stove and opened the window to let in the fresh, floral scented breeze.

It took a while to bring the city back to what it use to be, took even longer to make it better.
Iroh and the rest of the White Lotus worked for three's years straight on this place and now it was thriving.
Turning back to the stove, he removed the tea pot and placed it on a tray along with two cups, carrying it out to the main room.

"There's nothing better than a hot cup of tea on a spring day." Iroh said filling the cup's.

"You say that no matter the season uncle." Toph laughed.

She had taken to visiting Iroh every so often, which lead him to having her call him uncle.
Having tea with the wise old man had become important to her.
Building a metal and earthbending school (better than that sorry excuse for one before) didn't leave her much down time.

After the war, Toph had attempted to reach out to her parents, hoping that after everything she had accomplished, they'd be more understanding. They weren't.
She kept in touch with them every now and then, but that was it.

As the two sipped their tea, a messager walked through the door.

"Master Beifong, General Iroh." He said bowing respectfully.

"A message from the Fire nation."
Pulling a scroll with the Fire Lord's seal from his bag, he handed it to the General and turned on his heel, headed out the door.

Iroh broke the seal to find, with surprise that it was a wedding invitation.

"What's it say?" Toph asked.

"We've been invited to Sokkas wedding." He said with a smile in his voice.

The gears started turning in her head.

"This should be fun." She said smirking.

"Yes, yes it will."
And with that finished their tea.

Southern Air temple.


The rumble of earth could be heard all throughout the temple as the Avatar worked on his home.
He had wanted to start sooner but the war had taken a toll on the world and he had to help.

For four years after the war, he travelled back to many of the town's and villages that had helped him and his friends, wanting to give something back.
His first stop was the old healers who told him about the frozen frog's for Sokka and Katara.
Using earthbending to rebuild her once crumbling institute.

After that, him and Katara visited many more.

Satisfied with his work, he took a break, walking to the fountain closest to him.
Dunking his head under the cool water to cool himself off, Aang felt a tap on his shoulder.

Popping back up, he saw one of the Air Acolytes standing before him, holding a scroll.

"Avatar Aang, a messager hawk just came with this for you." The younger said bowing.

Aang had been shocked at all the people he met along the way that wanted to follow his lifestyle.
But he guessed that after living in fear and turmoil for so long, they all wanted peace.

Thanking the boy, Aang opened the scroll. Reading the countenance, he jumped in the air with a joyous shout.

Sokka was finally marrying Suki.
And he'd get a chance to see her.


Southern water tribe.


"Shift your weight through the stance's." Katara said to her students.

"Check your balance and remember to breathe." She said to one woman having trouble keeping her footing.

For her, after the war and everything, she came back home to help her village.
Thanks to Master Pakku marrying her Gran-gran, their sister tribe decided to send other waterbender's to bring the Southern water tribe back to what it had been before the war.
And it took her breathe away.

Her once small, barely there village was now a booming city that, in her opinion, could one day soon surpass the North.

She was now not only a Master and ambassador, but a teacher as well.
Teaching men and women how to fight.

"Be lighter on your feet. You have to be able to flow like the water you're bending. Like this."

Dropping into a stance Katara demonstrated for the other's.
After traveling with other Bender's, she had picked up a few things from the other elements and worked them into her own bending.
The move she showed them now was inspired by air bending, where instead of planting your feet, you moved with the water it's self.
Gliding over the ground instead of just moving your arm's.

"Now you try."

Most just slipped and fell.

Sighing, Katara address her tired students.

"Okay, I think that's enough for today. You can all go home, but I expect to see you all back here tomorrow morning."

Relieved, they hurried off.

Walking to the bench she left her parka on, she pulled it on and left the building built specifically for training.

Arriving home, the smell of Seal jerky stew hit her as soon as she opened the door.

"Hey dad." She said walking into the kitchen.

"Hello sweetheart. How was training?"
Hakoda asked his daughter as she plopped into a dining chair.

"Good. They've come a long way and I could actually see a few becoming master's themselves one day." Pride radiated off of her as she spoke, lighting up her beautiful face.

Sometimes she looked so much like her mother it almost hurt to look at her.
While his son took after him, Katara was definitely the spitting image of his  late wife.

Shaking himself, Hakoda picked up the scroll from the counter.

"This came for us while you were gone."

Katara took the scroll from her father and almost dropped it when she saw the seal. It was from Zuko.

With trembling hand's Katara opened it, and almost dropped it again after seeing what it said.

"Sokkas getting married!"

"I know, hard to believe huh?" Hakoda said laughing softly.

Wait...the invite says the wedding will be held in the Fire nation. At the palace.

Why me? She whispered to all the spirits that seemed to just love to watch her squirm....

Almost the big day for our favorite, meat loving warrior!
How do you think Katara and Zuko will react to seeing each other for the first time in five years? Much love!

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