Proud part two

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She needed air.
With everything that's happened the past few days, being inside with everyone was a little overwhelming.
She still couldn't believe it was all finally over.
Now they could start healing.
There would be scars yes, but she knew that they would be okay.

Healing the world would take time, but working together, she had no doubt that someday, the war would just be a memory for everyone.

Walking out the doors leading to the court yard, Katara looked up at the sunset painted sky.
Taking a deep breath of the warm air, she wondered if they'd ever be the same.
Since the Agni Kai with Azula, she'd hardly slept.
Plagued with nightmares of Zuko being hit and dying. Hearing him calling out for her to save him but she never made it in time. Azula laughing in the background the whole time.
She'd wake up, covered in sweat, crying out for Zuko.

Shaking the disturbing image from her mind, turned to go back inside.
She wasn't expecting to almost run into the man who haunts her dreams.

"Zuko! I'm sorry, I didn't see you. Are you okay?" Concern for him instantly took over.

"I'm fine. I was actually looking for you." He said almost timidly.

"Oh? Why?"

"Well I wanted to talk about what happened, after we fought Azula."

She knew what was coming.
He just wanted to tell her their friends and that he was with Mai.
She didn't want to hear him say it so she spoke before he had a chance to.

"It's okay Zuko. You don't have to say anything. I already know."

He was surprised. Did she feel the same way he did? His heart beat faster.

"Really? You do?"

He smiled down at the beautiful girl, with her long brown hair, half up in his nation's style and half hanging down to her hips.
Wearing a stunning red dress that hugged her perfectly, he thought she never looked more beautiful. But her next word's shook him.

"Yea and I'm really happy for you guys. You and Mai are good together."

"I'm sorry, what? Me and Mai?" He had to have heard wrong. He wanted Katara. Not Mai.

"Of course. She'll be a great Fire Lady. I mean who better right? She loves you." Just like me, she thought.

"Wait Katara-"

"I'm going to find Aang. He asked me to save him a dance."


She stepped towards him, close enough to smell his own unique scent of cinnamon and sandalwood.
Gently touching the side of his face that bears the scar.

"Zuko, you've come so far. We all have. But you have to know how strong you are. I know you can change everything, you did me. And I know you've made your uncle proud. You can do this." She smiled at him with tears in her eyes.

He didn't know what to say. Her words shocked him. Before he could say anything, she dropped her hand and turned away from him. He instantly missed her cool touch.
Just as he reached for her, she stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. With sadness in her clear blue eyes, she spoke the words he'd never forget.

"And Zuko, I'm proud of you too."

And with that she left him, standing there with his heart in hands.

He wouldn't see her again for a few years after they had all been together in his uncle's tea shop.
Seeing her kiss Aang hurt. Badly.
Iroh walked up and placed his hand on his son's shoulder.
Wishing he could take his pain away. This was one thing tea couldn't fix. Only time could.
But in the back of his mind, Iroh knew that this wasn't the end for the Fire Lord and the Master waterbender.
Their story was barely getting started. They were still young after all and a love born out of war, never fades.

Knowing the young Fire Lord wouldn't believe him, he stayed silent.
Their time would come. And he had very strong feeling that their love, would be unlike any other.
Fire and Water.
One as strong as the other.
He smiled.
His son would get the happiness he deserved.
Of this, the Grand Master, leader of the Order of the White lotus, and master tea maker, had no doubt.

After all, who could stop what even the spirits knew, was always meant to be?....

Hope everyone is enjoying this so far!  Please let me know what you think! Much love!

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