Because of me

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Back at the palace.


Had she been too late?.
Had her healing been enough?
Had she got to him in time to save him?
These thoughts haunted her as she sit by his bed, healing him over and over again.
That lightning had been meant for her not him. He was too young and important to die. The world needed him as much as it needed Aang. They all needed him now.
Their start was rough yes but though she wouldn't have admitted it at first, he became family the second he joined.
And now, trying to picture it without him, felt so wrong.
She wanted the chance to tell him this, that they needed him, that she did. He changed her too.

Working on the injury all through the night was exhausting but she couldn't stop.

"You'll be okay Zuko, you have to be" she said softly to her sleeping friend.

Dawn broke across the when he finally opened his eyes.


Laying on the red satin sheets, Zuko came to with a groan. His insides felt on fire. Then it hit him. The Agni Kai. Azula. Lightning. Katara!
Pulling himself up as fast as he could, he looked around frantically for the water bender.
Spying her slumped over in a chair beside his bed sound asleep.
He took in the sight of her.

She looked exhausted. Dark circles under her closed eyes, clothes dirty and tore, a small burn on her forearm. But she was alive.
He sighed in relief.
She moved and he jumped, instantly regretting it as pain shot through him.
Katara, opening her eyes saw this and rushed to him.

"Zuko! You'll hurt yourself even more! Lay back down!"

Hearing her mothering tone, he looked up at her standing over him. Worry painted across her beautiful face.

"You're okay?" He asked her.

"Yes I'm fine. But you won't be if you don't lay down so I can heal you".

He did as she said but he had to know.

"Where is she?"

Unable to meet his gaze, she wondered if now was the best time to tell him.

"Please Katara"

"After I brought you here, the guards showed up. I don't know where they took her. I'm so sorry Zuko".

"It's okay. I'll find out later. Are they back yet?"
The tears she had been holding back finally fell as she shook her head.
Trying to keep from breaking completely, she grabbed the bowl of fresh water a servant had brought her and set about healing his chest.

At a loss for word's, he watched her, moving her hands gracefully while tears poured down her face.
Reaching up, he wiped some away with his thumb.
She let out a sob at the touch.


"Don't. This was not supposed to happen Zuko. I should be the one with this" she said, looking at his star shaped injury.

"That was meant for me, me not you! What would your nation have done if you had died?! What about your uncle?! It would kill him Zuko! You almost died! Because of me."
The last was said in a whisper that made his heart hurt for a whole different reason.

Unable to stand seeing her like this, he raised himself up causing the water to fall from her hands onto the floor and wrapped his arms around her shaking frame.

She stiffened at first but gave in and hugged him back, crying on his shoulder.

"Katara, don't ever feel like your life is less than mine. I'd do this for you again and again and again. You saved me in more ways than one and if the only way I'm ever able to pay you back for it, is to take a lightning bolt for you, than that's okay with me."

Pulling back slightly to look at her, he brought his hand up to brush away the remaining tears.

"It will be okay. You, me, all of us will be okay."

"But what if Aang couldn't do it? What if he couldn't kill Ozai?."

"I guess we'll find out soon."

Silence filled the room as the two teens sat on the bed, holding on to one another as if it would make all the worry and pain fade away.

After what seemed a lifetime, a servant knocked on the door.

Startling them from their thoughts, Zuko and Katara shared a terrified look.
"Yes?" Zuko called out.

The servant opened the door, seeing the two young people holding each other so protectively, he decided against stepping further into the room. He didn't feel like getting hurt today.

Bowing low he spoke respectfully to the new soon to be Fire Lord.

"My Lord, there's a small group demanding to see you and the healer."

Katara untangled herself from his hold and jumped up.

"This group, did they tell you who they were?" She asked hopefully.

The servant rose up from his now and regarded the young waterbender who saved the man he knows in his heart will bring peace to his home for the first time in so long. Pride for these brave teens swelled in his chest.

"I believe a young man said his name was sokk-"

Before he could finish, Katara let out a shout and helped Zuko stand.

"They're okay! Thank you Yue!"

Hugging Zuko close to her side they made their way around the bed to greet their family.

Stepping back out of their way the servant smiled,  Yes, he thought to himself, watching the young couple leave. It's about time.

Outside, Aang, Sokka, Suki and Toph, were ready to fight their way through the guards trying to keep them out.

"Where's my sister?!" Sokka demand of the guard in front of him.
Toph taking up a stance beside him about to bust her way through. Suki grabbed his arm, stopping him before he got himself in trouble.

"Sokka wait! With your leg you won't be able to take him!"

Aang moved forward.

"Let us in now!".

Before a fight they didn't need broke out, Zuko and Katara appeared on the steps leading out into the court yard.

"Leave them alone!" Zuko commanded the guards.

Turning to the once banished princes, the guards debated on whether or not they should obay him.

"Step aside now by order of your Fire Lord" Zuko tried again.

Finally they moved.

"Katara!" Sokka called out half limping, half running to his baby sister but stopped short seeing Zuko leaning heavily on her.

"What happened?" He asked as the others rushed up the stairs to help.

"Azula happened" Katara answered, vemon dripping off the crazy ex princesses name.

Aang coming around to Zuko's other side to put the arm that wasn't wrapped around Katara, on his shoulders frowned.

"What happened?" He asked looking up at his friend and teacher.

"An Agni Kai. She aimed lightning at Katara, trying to kill her. I couldn't let that happen." Zuko looked down at the waterbender beside him.

Aang felt both fear and jealousy course through him. Fear for Katara and Zuko but the look Zuko gave her, he didn't like it at all.

"You saved Sugar Queen?" Toph asked.

"Of course I did, you don't really think I'd let her die do you?!" Zuko was getting pissed at the shocked looks on his friends faces. Of course he took that bolt for her. Why wouldn't he? She's too important to everyone, to him. They would have been lost without her. He would have been lost without her.

Feeling Sparkys heartbeat kick up as he spoke, Toph smiled. Hmmm. She thought, This is gonna go down real well.

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