Before it all went down

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Wilbur was sitting in his office when Tommy barged in.
'Tommy, we can't attack yet.'
'Why not?! We have to eventually!'
Wilbur sighed as tommy rambled in about what they should do. He smashed his fists onto the desk, making Tommy swear while he did so. 'Fine! We will talk to dream! Now you may leave and I shall tell you when we're ready to go.' Tommy bowed his head and left the room.

~Time skip~

They were ready to go talk to dream, 'Tommy you can't freak out okay?'
Then they got into the position of being face to face with dream.
'Dream I would like to discuss our independence.' Wilbur started.
As Wilbur and Dream where talking tommy broke.
'LISTEN HERE YOU DIRT BAG YOUR GOING TO GIVE US INDEPENDENCE OR I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL' (AN: I know they aren't the words he said but this is a story so I'm making some parts up)
'A duel it is. Tomorrow at sundown. See you then.' Dream turned and walked off as Wilbur turned to Tommy,

'What did you do?'

AN: Tell me if you want me to continue this because I'm not sure if you all will like it.

Is this the end...?    (Alternative? To dream SMP war)Where stories live. Discover now