Sadness, anger and hate..

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George was sitting in his room holding onto dreams mask. 'It shouldn't have ended like this, I should have been the one to get shot. I mean I'm not much help to the team anyway.'
Sapnap turned looking shocked, 'Don't say that!'
'It's true.'
'How do you think dream would feel if you were talking like that to yourself. George he may be gone but he doesn't want you to give up. They won there independence by killing dream so we just need to go on with our day an-'
'No. We get revenge.'
'Are you sure you want to get revenge?'
'I've never been more sure.'
Sapnap sighed as he knew he couldn't change his mind.
'We go tomorrow.'

Is this the end...?    (Alternative? To dream SMP war)Where stories live. Discover now