Another Year and Worries of War

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I walked onto platform nine and three-quarters after Mum, Dad, Bill and Phlegm (ahem, Fleur,) who all seemed to be in deep conversation, all of which had the same worried expression. 

I pushed my trolley next to Mum. Looking around the platform, I saw about a hundred worried and anxious-looking parents giving their children last minute reminders. I was pretty sure that everyone here knew that Hogwarts wasn’t a safe place anymore. Dumbledore was gone and Hogwarts was being run by the Ministry, which many believed was being run by Death Eaters.

There was a forbidding, hushed silence on the platform. It seemed as if nobody dared to speak any louder than a whisper. There was no usual buzz of excitement, and I felt as if I was in a waiting room at St. Mungo’s, wondering if a family member was dead or alive. 

“Ginny,” Mum said, “You need to be extra careful this year. Please don’t do anything to get you into trouble,” she pleaded.

“We really wish you didn’t have to go.” Dad said, grasping my shoulder.

“I wish I didn’t have to either,” I mumbled. Not with Snape running the place, I thought bitterly.

“Our family name isn’t going to do anything good for you, sis.” Bill said. “Just keep your head down, and talk as little as possible. Don’t do anything that will bring attention to you.”

“Write to me every day dear, but please don’t write anything that will seem suspicious, the owl post is most definitely going to be checked.” Mum said, giving me a hug.

“I will, Mum.” I said, as she released me.

“Au revoir, Geeny.” Fleur said, also giving me hug just after Mum had let go of me.

“Er, thanks, Fleur. Goodbye to you too.” I said awkwardly.

I heard the scarlet steam engine give a loud whistle, and that was our cue to hurry up. Dad gave me a kiss on the forehead, and Bill hugged me.

“Take care, sis.” he whispered in my ear.

“You better go, quickly.” Mum said as the scarlet steam engine let out a loud whistle. 

I walked fast, pushing my trolley in front of me, and heaved it into the train. With one last wave at my family, I entered the Hogwarts Express. The inside of the train was packed; there wasn't a single empty compartment. 

“Ginny!” I turned to see that it was Neville. He was holding the compartment door open for me.

“Neville!” I said, relieved. I entered the compartment, and Neville closed it behind me.

“Good to see you! I was starting to wonder if you were going to be here at all.” Neville said. However, he wasn’t the only one occupying the compartment.

“Hello, Ginny.” Luna said, looking up from her copy of the Quibbler, and beaming. “How have you been?”

“Not too good,” I said as I sat down beside her, across from Seamus Finnigan.

“Hello, Seamus.” I said. I was no stranger to being around Seamus, as I had dated his best friend last year. He didn’t normally sit with Neville, Luna, or I. Probably because Dean was on the run from the muggle-born registration committee, so he didn’t really have a choice but to sit with Neville, with whom he shared his dormitory.

“Hello,” he said, giving me what seemed to be a weary smile. I could tell that he was missing his friend.

I glanced at the cover of Luna’s copy of the Quibbler. The front caption said: “You-Know-Who takes over the Ministry of Magic.”

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