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It was just a casual day. Meanwhile, the Evil Wizard was thinking of a new scheme of putting on random people.

"Hmm...what punishment shall I put on these people now? Oh, I have an idea! I will send random citizens to a very unusual world and make them complete a task!" the Evil Wizard decided.

So, he got his plan into action, and captured 6 main victims: Drift, Calamity, Naomi, Jeremy, Scout and Spy. He teleported them along with himself to a forbidden portal.

When they arrived, they all began to ask questions, "What are we doing here?! Wait, isn't this the portal that led Link and the others to the 'Miraculous' world?" Drift asked.

"It is, and today, it will lead you all to the 'Elena of Avalor' world!" the Evil Wizard announced.

"Why the heck are you sending us there?!" Jeremy asked.

The Evil Wizard said in reply, "I really don't know. But move along."

He soon tied all six of them together with a magical touch and pushed them through the portal. As soon as they all entered the world, the 6 landed on the ground with a big thump.

"Ow!" shouted Naomi. "What happened?!"

They all opened their eyes and saw that they became different people. Three of them had transformed into sailors and pirates. Two became cheetahs with wings attached to their backs, and the last one became a Spanish gentleman with a chancellor identity.

"Each of you have become citizens of this world, and your goal is to return back to the superior world, which you all know is The Brain. I will now assign you your new identities for this place." the Evil Wizard explained. He then came over to each of them to tell them their new identities and explain what their role was.

First, he went to Drift. "Drift, your new name is Daniel Turner. Your job is to run the harbor with your daughter and make sure everything is secure."

Second, he went over to Calamity. "Calamity, your new name is Scarlett Turner. You will always be traveling on adventures looking for places to explore. When the time comes, you need to return home with your husband and daughter, and from that bumpy event, be a fellow citizen of Avalor."

He then went over to Naomi. "Naomi, your first name will remain the same, only your last name will change. Your new name is Naomi Turner. Your job is to work with your father in the harbor to make sure that things depart and arrive at the right place at the right time. You have also joined the Grand Council, and that job is to help the princess, Elena, with her work."

After he was finished speaking with Naomi, he advanced over to Jeremy. "Jeremy, your new name is Cruz. You are are a mythical creature called a Jaquin. Right now, you are about to be the next chief of the Jaquins. So do what you need to, and we'll go from there."

He went to Scout. "Scout, you will be referred to as Vestia. Just like your brother, you have become a Jaquin. All you have to do is participate with the Jaquins in doing things. You won't stand out much, which is actually a great opportunity in these cases."

Lastly, he went to Spy. "Spy, you are now known as Chancellor Esteban. You have been assigned a big job. So what you have to do is help your cousin, which of course, is Princess Elena, with ruling Avalor."

He then stepped back to the center of the scene. "You all have been told what you need to do and how you have to be doing things. Do whatever you can to accomplish your mission, but at the same time, I am trusting you all not to get things too over hand. Good luck to all of you!" Finally, the Evil Wizard stepped back three steps, and faded into thin air. All six persons finally set off to do what they had to, and are one day, waiting, when they can return home.

A Mission Between Worlds (A Elena of Avalor, Fortnite, and TF2 Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant