Chapter 3

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The next day, the other three victims were in the forest searching to meet up with Esteban/Spy. When they finally met, they started discussing the changes that had occurred since the night before.

"Dad, do you know why our shadows have changed since yesterday?" Cruz asked Esteban.

Esteban said in reply, "I think Elena has passed her test already, and that explains why the 3 stages of detransformation have begun."

"Ohhhhhhh so that is what's happening to us?" Vestia asked understanding what he had said.

"Pretty much I guess. Anyway, I don't think we have much time. We have to get to the portal as soon as it opens or else we'll miss it!" Cruz told the group as they noticed their reflections and voices alternating into their original stated reflections and voices. After the 2 stage had occurred, they dashed to the castle to await the opening of the portal so that they may be released from their tethers as soon as possible.


All six of the innocent citizens arrived at the castle for Elena's ceremony to become queen of Avalor. They heard all the people of Avalor cheer, for Elena would finally be a successful leader of their beautiful kingdom. So they wouldn't be noticed when it was finally their chance to go home, they stood in the very back of the crowd, hoping that Elena wouldn't recognize them or anything for their "help" with Elena's journey to finally reach her goal.

Elena finally stepped onto the stage, and began to speak, "Thank you all for coming. I am so excited to become queen. I couldn't have done it without all of you."

Naomi sighed in boredom, then continued to listen to Elena's speech. "You have all helped me along the way, learning how to be a successful leader which you have taught me until now. Thank you all."

After her second pause, the captured citizens saw a spark of blue light begin to form behind them, happy that it was the portal that was opening the entrance back to their regular worlds. They then turned back to Elena speaking, making sure that nothing unusual would happen next.

"I especially thank my friends who have helped me along the way, including my future king Mateo, Gabe, Isabel, and my dear friend Naomi."

When she called Naomi's name, she held out her hand towards Naomi's direction, then the crowd looked behind them to see Naomi, worried and not so surprised that Elena had recognized her from the back of the crowd, for she was the only one of her special assistants that wasn't on the stage.

"Come Naomi! The people of Avalor want to see you up here too!"

"Uh, hehe! Umm...I...well...refuse." Naomi responded back to her nervously.

Elena asked her questioned, "Naomi, what is going on? You aren't acting like yourself."

"Uh..." Just then Naomi stopped stuttering as the 6 captured citizens saw the portal opening fully behind them. They stared in awe at the incredible lightning outlined miraculous beauty of the portal, and were shocked that the path back to their real homes had finally been opened after all these days. Only they could see the portal because they were the only ones captivated by the wonderful sight.

Elena interrupted their thoughts as she asked Naomi what was going on and what had gotten into her. "Naomi, what are you staring at? Snap out of it! How come you are acting unusual right now?"

The 6 people turned around to face Elena again, looked at each other with confident faces, ready for their move, and Naomi finally answered Elena's question. "Actually, my other friends and I have something way more important than your d*mb ceremony to get over with." she said stepping back a few steps.

Just as she finished speaking, she quietly un-noticeably slowly pulled out her hidden pistol, as well as the other 5 pulled out their weapons too. Then, after a while, after all the citizens of Avalor stopped staring at them and turned back to Elena, they began to attack. Daniel/Drift used his...whatever weapon he had, Scarlett/Calamity used her...whatever weapon she had as well, Naomi used her "ancient" pistol, Cruz/Jeremy used his scattergun, Vestia/Scout also used her scattergun, and Esteban/Spy used his balisong knife or revolver.

They kept attacking 'till all the citizens had rushed home injured, and all who were left were Elena, her sister, and her 2 friends standing beside her. Elena asked shocked and disappointed, "Guys! What have you done?! I thought I could trust you! Especially you, Naomi! How could you be working for the darkness all this time?!"

"Well Elena, you guys gotta watch more of who you trust!" Naomi answered in a smirky attitude. After that, all six of them ran towards the portal, entered just in time as their third stage of detransformation had occurred, then disappeared from sight. Elena still stared in shock, mad at herself that she had let the thoughts of evil and destruction from the people she had trusted slip right through her fingers.

A Mission Between Worlds (A Elena of Avalor, Fortnite, and TF2 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now