Prompt 8

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Prompt 8

Dr. Teeth absolutely loves the taste of the chapstick Ben uses, so they keep stealing kisses from Ben.

Kiss! Dr. Teeth pecks Ben on the lips again. This time in front of the writing team. Ben's cheeks glow pink as he groans in embarrassment. Pepe laughs at the scene with Rizzo and Gonzo looking at each other confused.

"Teeth, I swear I'll get an answer for this," Ben whispers to himself. Gonzo raises an eyebrow.

"I see you and Dr. Teeth are doing well," he comments. Ben nods, trying to ignore the sudden kiss.

"He's been giving me these kisses since this morning. They're so random too".

"Hey, maybe I should do that with Camilla! Thanks for the idea, Ben!" Gonzo thanks happily. Rizzo and Pepe continue brainstorming as Ben walks out of the room. It was true that Dr. Teeth had been giving Ben surprise kisses that day. If he was being honest, he lost count after the fifth time.

"Ben, did you get that light fixed yet?" Kermit asks with a distressed face.

"Yeah, why? What's up?"

"Well, that was the wrong light. It was another one". Ben looks at him confused.

"Kermit, that isn't a big problem-" Kermit grabs Ben's shoulders and stares straight through his sunglasses.

"The light you need to fix is in Miss Piggy's dressing room," he states. Everyone around them freezes and turns their heads. Ben shrugs off the frog's hands and begins to head to the pig's room.

"What- did you not hear what I just said?!" Kermit calls out. Ben looks back and nods, still walking away. Uncle Deadly was heading into the dressing room when the technician arrived.

"Ah, hello Benjamin. I suppose you're here for the light?" He asks. The technician smiles and they enter the room. Miss Piggy sat on the couch with Fufu in her lap.

"Miss Piggy, it's our light fixer," Deadly announces. Miss Piggy looks over, jumps from her seat, and grabs Ben's arm.

"It's over here. Now fix it!" She commands, pointing at one burnt-out lightbulb on her dresser.

"What do we say?" Miss Piggy stops to think.

"Will you please fix it?" She asks. Ben walks over and twists it until it can't go in any further. It flashes on and Deadly applauds a little.

"Well done, Benjamin! Thank you for coming and fixing the light! We will be seeing you soon!" He praises, "your boyfriend is waiting outside". Uncle Deadly pushed Ben out of the room and into the hallway. Muppets moved out of the way and jumped at the slam of the door.

"What are you guys doing? Get back to work!" Ben waves everyone except Dr. Teeth away. He pulls the keyboardist into an empty hallway and stops.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point: why are you giving me random kisses?" Dr. Teeth looks at him confused.

"Well, why does my lovely partner ask?"

"You've been doing it since this morning and it's random". Ben stares at him past his shades. The keyboardist knew he was backed into a corner he couldn't escape from. He places a hand on Ben's shoulder and looks him dead in the eyes.

"What chapstick are you wearing?"

"Excuse me?"

What chapstick are you wearing right now?" Ben reaches into his pocket and pulls out the tube, looking at the flavor.

"Strawberry. You're avoiding the question, Teeth. Why are you giving me random kisses?" Ben asks again. Dr. Teeth responds by leaning forward and briefly locking lips with him. When he pulls away, Ben is left still confused. Another kiss was not going to answer the burning question!

"I can't resist that great flavor, Ben," he whispers before walking to the stage again. The technician watches him leave and shakes his head a little. He always was an unpredictable type.

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